Yes, as sea levels rise steadily, due to icecaps melting, due to global warming, due to monsterous amounts of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere, due to the burning of fossil fuels, New Orleans and all low-lying areas will have to be abandoned.
They should try to salvage the French Quarter for means of historical preservation. The low-lying slums must be allowed to go back to the Delta. We have some levees where we live. People are trying to sell in those lowlands as fast as they can.
Everyone knows...
And we cannot keep spending money on the wrong end of the problem. The root of it is continuous use of fossil fuels en masse. The tipping point has already been reached, obviously, but that only means we should step up our efforts exponentially to get off the fossil fuels and onto safe, clean alternatives.
We will have to sacrafice our low-lying areas.. and that will be the bitter price we pay for listening to the drone of BigOil that "we don't need efficient cars" "solar is silly" "geothermal steam isn't good enough to run turbines" or "wind generators are unsightly".
Anyone who tries to come on this thread and argue that we aren't experiencing the consequences of BigOil's monopoly with New Orleans is going to risk serious hits to their credibility. Warning in advance.. The type of people who think that way are now in the same shrinking category of people who think evolution isn't real and that dinosaur fossils are just random rock formations..
BTW fossil fuels include: oil, coal and natural gas, no matter how "clean" they're pitched to be...