why are democrat more likely to be felons

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
Ragnar Research Partners, in a Sep. 16, 2019 memo, “Ragnar Labs 2019 Study on Felon Reenfranchisement and Associated Electoral Impact,” available at ragnarresearch.com, stated:

“Ragnar Research Partners has sought to explore how re-enfranchisement may impact the outcome of future elections in the state [Florida]…
Currently incarcerated felons are more than three times as likely to be registered Democrats (1.7:1) or unaffiliated (1.4:1) than Republicans. Ex-felons are four times as likely to be Democrats (2.7:1) or unaffiliated (1.3:1).
Notably, the gap between Democrats and unaffiliated voters is significantly lower among the active population (+7 Dem) than it is among the released population (+28% Dem). This dataset cannot determine whether release is an underlying cause for this disparity, but the correlation should not be ignored…
Compared to the total number of voters currently registered in Florida, both active and released felons are more likely to be Democrats (+4% & +17% respectively). While this should cause Republicans to hesitate in supporting reenfranchisement, it’s important to consider actual turnout among the felon population. Please note this data is based on felons’ voting behavior prior to being incarcerated.

How many felons do we have in the US?

The total disenfranchised population rose from 3.3 million in 1996 to 4.7 million in 2000, to 5.4 million in 2004, to 5.9 million in 2010, and 6.1 million in 2016. Today, we estimate that 5.2 million Americans are disenfranchised by virtue of a felony conviction.Oct 30, 2020

As you czn see one big reason democrats love felons id by making it so they can vote it would help the party which is all they care about thats also why so many democrat citys have a no bail policy and are so soft on crime .

but we still have the question why are so many democrats felons ? Is it in their nature or genes ? Is it the way they are raised by their parents installing democrat values or LACK OF.
WE have a poster here whos democrat who openly endorsed hate crimes and a act of terror and is proud of it .
if people have served their sentence why not let them vote? more people voting is a good thing.
Ragnar Research Partners, in a Sep. 16, 2019 memo, “Ragnar Labs 2019 Study on Felon Reenfranchisement and Associated Electoral Impact,” available at ragnarresearch.com, stated:

How many felons do we have in the US?

The total disenfranchised population rose from 3.3 million in 1996 to 4.7 million in 2000, to 5.4 million in 2004, to 5.9 million in 2010, and 6.1 million in 2016. Today, we estimate that 5.2 million Americans are disenfranchised by virtue of a felony conviction.Oct 30, 2020

As you czn see one big reason democrats love felons id by making it so they can vote it would help the party which is all they care about thats also why so many democrat citys have a no bail policy and are so soft on crime .

but we still have the question why are so many democrats felons ? Is it in their nature or genes ? Is it the way they are raised by their parents installing democrat values or LACK OF.
WE have a poster here whos democrat who openly endorsed hate crimes and a act of terror and is proud of it .
Thats me apparently. I'm sorry for being late but I've been out all night castrating homosexuals, burning witches and smashing churches.
I didn't believe you could have so much fun with my clothes on.

I'm considering retiring and hoping to be arrested. Jail would be an ideal retirement village. Amongst all my friends and free board and lodging. I'm working on it.
says the nimrod who doesn't understand "monthly" vs "annual" lol
Seriously there is ample evidence to prove its true. But why is it so.
Why are democrats more prone to crime ?
I would of liked to see a study on ruel areas that are demo compared to republican area to more independent areas .
While political beliefs may influance it I think perhaps people with certain personality traits are drawn to certain party's.
You also have to somehow factor in race as black liberals seem to commit a greater percentage of crimes then say white liberals .
Factor in genetics gets complicated . for example a sloped head type with more ape genes like the church burners from the democrat party . how many bad apples have fell from that gene line ? Could it be the key to democrat stupidity . All democrats of course are not affected .
So there's still a good chance those infected can start getting vaxed for it one day.And all the living males with the gene of stupidity are made into unics . hell with democrats not knowing the difference between a man and a women in a few generations they might boink thier way into extinction.

Hope you enjoyed my sense of humor .bevis and butt head wont like it something tells me.
Seriously there is ample evidence to prove its true. But why is it so.
Why are democrats more prone to crime ?
I would of liked to see a study on ruel areas that are demo compared to republican area to more independent areas .
While political beliefs may influance it I think perhaps people with certain personality traits are drawn to certain party's.
You also have to somehow factor in race as black liberals seem to commit a greater percentage of crimes then say white liberals .
Factor in genetics gets complicated . for example a sloped head type with more ape genes like the church burners from the democrat party . how many bad apples have fell from that gene line ? Could it be the key to democrat stupidity . All democrats of course are not affected .
So there's still a good chance those infected can start getting vaxed for it one day.And all the living males with the gene of stupidity are made into unics . hell with democrats not knowing the difference between a man and a women in a few generations they might boink thier way into extinction.
Have a listen to yourself. A neville nobody going nowhere holding forth about your genetic diagnosis of others. You arrogant pompous idiot.
Democrats get really pissy when exposed and try the old turnaround to make themselves feel superior but end up looking desperate and grasping .
Do they really.
There you go again. Spraying knowledge around like confetti yet you live in a home for dementia ridden old soaks but have these remarkable talents. Truly outstanding and how lucky we are to have you here.
Seriously there is ample evidence to prove its true. But why is it so.
Why are democrats more prone to crime ?
I would of liked to see a study on ruel areas that are demo compared to republican area to more independent areas .
While political beliefs may influance it I think perhaps people with certain personality traits are drawn to certain party's.
You also have to somehow factor in race as black liberals seem to commit a greater percentage of crimes then say white liberals .
Factor in genetics gets complicated . for example a sloped head type with more ape genes like the church burners from the democrat party . how many bad apples have fell from that gene line ? Could it be the key to democrat stupidity . All democrats of course are not affected .
So there's still a good chance those infected can start getting vaxed for it one day.And all the living males with the gene of stupidity are made into unics . hell with democrats not knowing the difference between a man and a women in a few generations they might boink thier way into extinction.

Hope you enjoyed my sense of humor .bevis and butt head wont like it something tells me.

you still don't understand gender. lol
Trump is a felon, so they can exclude him from the ballot in Washington. It does not matter one teensy whit how felons self identify themselves politically. When it comes to crime, that is an individual, rarely a collective thing. Statistics about political affiliations are useless, just as data on shoe size or hair color.
Trump is a felon, so they can exclude him from the ballot in Washington. It does not matter one teensy whit how felons self identify themselves politically. When it comes to crime, that is an individual, rarely a collective thing. Statistics about political affiliations are useless, just as data on shoe size or hair color.
really the data means nothing because you claim it means nothing ?

agnar Research Partners, in a Sep. 16, 2019 memo, “Ragnar Labs 2019 Study on Felon Reenfranchisement and Associated Electoral Impact,” available at ragnarresearch.com, stated:

“Ragnar Research Partners has sought to explore how re-enfranchisement may impact the outcome of future elections in the state [Florida]…

Currently incarcerated felons are more than three times as likely to be registered Democrats (1.7:1) or unaffiliated (1.4:1) than Republicans. Ex-felons are four times as likely to be Democrats (2.7:1) or unaffiliated (1.3:1).

Notably, the gap between Democrats and unaffiliated voters is significantly lower among the active population (+7 Dem) than it is among the released population (+28% Dem). This dataset cannot determine whether release is an underlying cause for this disparity, but the correlation should not be ignored…

Compared to the total number of voters currently registered in Florida, both active and released felons are more likely to be Democrats (+4% & +17% respectively).

Also numb nuts

For instance, in New York, about one-third of felons released from prison registered to vote after their release. Of those, about 62 percent registered as Democrats and 9 percent registered as Republicans, with 26 percent registering as independents or with other parties.

In North Carolina, about a quarter of those who were released registered after their release. Of those, 52 percent registered as Democrats, 19 percent as Republicans and 22 percent as independents or with other parties.

And in New Mexico, 41 percent of those who were released registered to vote. Of those, 55 percent registered as Democrats, 10 percent as Republicans and 18 percent as independents or with other parties,

Of course according to you these study's and stats mean nothing because you say so.
An you have displayed your knowledge of things here so often you have to be right .