Who On Earth Can I Vote For ?


Apr 4, 2007
I really have a problem. The Republicans almost wrecked the country - another four years and the USA would have just ceased to exist, swept away in an economic melt down that would have made the Weimar Republic look like a model of stability. So we, in a rare moment of sanity, voted them out. We gave power to the Democrats with a young energetic, tough President and a Congress with such a majority they could pass anything. All we asked of them was to: give us a sane Health Care Reform based on the success stories of every other industrianized nation, get us out of two unnessary wars that are eating our national treasury, killing our young men. and accomplishing nothing, and bring back FDR's regulations of the financial system so we would not slide over the cliff. What happened ? Absolutely nothing. They could not Govern ! The young strong president (whom I campaigned for) is apparently pretty weak and just another great sounding politican (who gives a better speech than most). And the Congress ? Exclude The Republicans, ignore the bought and sold Liberman and the small group of Landrew like Dem's and the Democratic Congress could still stuff down any bill they want. And they FAIL at all of it. What do we do now? Who is left to vote for ? Where is the Bull Moose Party when we need them??
I really have a problem. The Republicans almost wrecked the country - another four years and the USA would have just ceased to exist, swept away in an economic melt down that would have made the Weimar Republic look like a model of stability. So we, in a rare moment of sanity, voted them out. We gave power to the Democrats with a young energetic, tough President and a Congress with such a majority they could pass anything. All we asked of them was to: give us a sane Health Care Reform based on the success stories of every other industrianized nation, get us out of two unnessary wars that are eating our national treasury, killing our young men. and accomplishing nothing, and bring back FDR's regulations of the financial system so we would not slide over the cliff. What happened ? Absolutely nothing. They could not Govern ! The young strong president (whom I campaigned for) is apparently pretty weak and just another great sounding politican (who gives a better speech than most). And the Congress ? Exclude The Republicans, ignore the bought and sold Liberman and the small group of Landrew like Dem's and the Democratic Congress could still stuff down any bill they want. And they FAIL at all of it. What do we do now? Who is left to vote for ? Where is the Bull Moose Party when we need them??

I'm voting Green Party until further notice...It's become painfully clear that Obama and the Democrats are in bed with the corporations, at the expense of the people and the environment, just like the Republicans.

To hear Obama campaigning, I thought there was some real change coming..I mean REAL change. What a naive fool I was. Instead, it's been the same old crap..bail out the banksters, escalate Bush's wars, let Bush war criminals skate, kissing corporate butt, and on and on and on.
I really have a problem. The Republicans almost wrecked the country - another four years and the USA would have just ceased to exist, swept away in an economic melt down that would have made the Weimar Republic look like a model of stability. So we, in a rare moment of sanity, voted them out. We gave power to the Democrats with a young energetic, tough President and a Congress with such a majority they could pass anything. All we asked of them was to: give us a sane Health Care Reform based on the success stories of every other industrianized nation, get us out of two unnessary wars that are eating our national treasury, killing our young men. and accomplishing nothing, and bring back FDR's regulations of the financial system so we would not slide over the cliff. What happened ? Absolutely nothing. They could not Govern ! The young strong president (whom I campaigned for) is apparently pretty weak and just another great sounding politican (who gives a better speech than most). And the Congress ? Exclude The Republicans, ignore the bought and sold Liberman and the small group of Landrew like Dem's and the Democratic Congress could still stuff down any bill they want. And they FAIL at all of it. What do we do now? Who is left to vote for ? Where is the Bull Moose Party when we need them??

I agree. Who can we vote for? As time ticks by, our country (USA) becomes progressively harder to tolerate. I disagree - that when Bush was in office, that the USA would have ceased to exist. Don't get me wrong, I was completely frustrated with him at the helm (in the end). But let's not forget who had complete control over the House and Senate - the dems. So nothing was gettin' accomplished. Now we have a new Boss, who not only is weak but is an outright liar. As you watch B.H.O.'s "Change" unfold, it's "Change" I don't want. And I do not believe I'm alone in this - check out his latest popularity poll number(s). gawd...

So who can we vote for? How about a ticket with 'anyone' who is a damn TRUE AMERICAN, WHO WILL FIGHT FOR WE THE PEOPLE AND OUR COUNTRY!
I agree. Who can we vote for? As time ticks by, our country (USA) becomes progressively harder to tolerate. I disagree - that when Bush was in office, and don't get me wrong, I was completely frustrated with him at the helm (in the end). But let's not forget who had complete control over the House and Senate - the dems. So nothing was gettin' accomplished. Now we have a new Boss, who not only is weak but is an outright liar. As you watch B.H.O.'s "Change" unfold, it's "Change" I don't want. And I do not believe I'm alone in this - check out his latest popularity poll number(s). gawd...

So who can we vote for? How about a ticket with 'anyone' who is a damn TRUE AMERICAN, WHO WILL FIGHT FOR WE THE PEOPLE AND OUR COUNTRY!

Ah, excuse me! If memory serves, except for a brief time when Jeffords, I believe, switched parties giving the Dems control of the Senate for a short time..Bush had a REPUBLICAN Congress for 6 of his 8 years.
I agree. Who can we vote for? As time ticks by, our country (USA) becomes progressively harder to tolerate. I disagree - that when Bush was in office, that the USA would have ceased to exist. Don't get me wrong, I was completely frustrated with him at the helm (in the end). But let's not forget who had complete control over the House and Senate - the dems. So nothing was gettin' accomplished. Now we have a new Boss, who not only is weak but is an outright liar. As you watch B.H.O.'s "Change" unfold, it's "Change" I don't want. And I do not believe I'm alone in this - check out his latest popularity poll number(s). gawd...

So who can we vote for? How about a ticket with 'anyone' who is a damn TRUE AMERICAN, WHO WILL FIGHT FOR WE THE PEOPLE AND OUR COUNTRY!

Well in Lady's defense the senate majority during Bush's two terms were as follows 2001-2003 Democrats 2004- 2007 Republicans, never with a filibuster proof Senate so for anything to be passed there had to be a consensus between the two parties so laying blame on Bush alone is not fair according to the facts. Now if you want to look at a profitable time in our nations history when a president with a Republican majority would be from 1981-1987 when the Republicans had a majority in the senate and the House. When the great late Ronald Reagon pulled the country back from a Carter democrat recession, by cutting taxes and no speak of Health care craziness, or cap and tax. I know a lot of people were expecting great things from BHO but you get what you get from a socialist.