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Al Qaida works for US intelligence

Because OBL is an asset of CIA. The so said Al Qaida is a puppet tool works for US intelligence. They work to the demand of US intelligence.

When you try to frame a case such like 911, who will help you to  make it look like a real one?  The puppet Al Qaida will do. That's how you saw, the only 911 survived suspect Mousaoui (the only prepared witness) cried in court: "I'm Al Qaida". But is there anyone here can give us the story how Maosaoui joined the 911 attack? Even though Moussaoui was arrested before 911, at least there was a plan, how he joined the team? But nobody knows. The government tell you Maossaoui is Al Qaida, he was a member of 911 attack team. That's all. Why he was arrested weeks before 911 and government still not aware of that coming attack? Government never explain. Maossaoui's case was a soap play.

But I can tell you that Maossaoui was in Oklahoma. Clues tell us that Oklahoma bombing was also similar to 911 attack - a false flag terror attack. DOJ had proposed proposal similar to Patriot Act after the bombing. Only they failed to pass that law in OKC bombing case but succeeded in 911 case. Maossaoui also was a friend of Nick Berg in OKC. Nick Berg was involved in a beheading case one week after the break off of Abu Greibu prison torture scandle. The beheading case was obviously another soap opera acted to distract the public attention. Both were in place where Feds needed them. Both were used to vilify Islamic and justify Bush's war policy. 

What did Al Qaida do? (the major one which caused public attention)

1. Bombing WTC in 1993. Six people died.

2. Bombing US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzabua in 1999. Though 2 hundred people died, only 12 of them were Americans.

3. Bombing USS Cole in 2000. 17 US sailors died.

None of these was big enough to touch off a war. Because the casualty was small or the target was government.

Then Al Qaida (or its master) changed its tactic. They targetted at people. This strategy change happened after Bush took over the office. Or you can view it as the mastermind of the Al Qaida change its strategy when Bush is in power.

4. 911 attack in 2001. 3 thousand people killed. Most were Americans. (The motive was to give Bush an excuse to start Mid-East war.)

5. Bali bombing in October 2002. 2 hundred people killed. Most were Australians. (Same month when the House passed a bill to authorize President Bush Iraq war power. The motive is to push Australian joining the Iraq war.)

6. Madrid bombing in 2004. 2 hundred people killed. Most were Spanish. (To push Spanish people supporting an US ally, Aznar, in election.)

7. London bombing in 2005. Killed 52 Britons. (planned to justify coming terror attack in US.)

8. Since 2005, when Al Qaida bombed Iraq Shiite Shrine in Samarra, a civil war started in Iraq. Then we saw many bombings each of which often killed tens to hundred of innocent civilians.

We can see after 2001, Al Qaida mainly targets at innocent people. Why? Because thus people in panic willingly gave up their constitutional rights and and power and money to the ruling class.

All these attackers after 2001 were died. Mostly unnecessary. (The bombers  could leave the bomb there and ignit it by remote control.) Why? Because these "suicide bombers" were innocent, they didn't know they were sacrifice in the plot. Many of them might be informants of the government. But that was the best result for mastermind. A witness of their crime eliminated.

It doesn't make sense to bomb innocent people. Even for religious extremest. What could Al Qaida get from killing innocent civilians?

Kill poor people, what for? It only benefits those people who want to provoke hatred and conflict for more war.

The flaw in 911 attack caused many suspicion from people. So this time the Inside Group prepared a big one - nuclear bombing which will caused the damage of the whole city and million's casualty at the hope that people won't believe government will activate such big attack.

But they will. Because however big the attack is, the losers are always people. And, the government is always the winner - power and money. Don't you see what Bush and his group got after 911?
