White trash

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Sep 6, 2015
I tried sharing my story of what happened yesterday, when I broke some Nazi skin head's jaw when he tried handing me a flyer.

One of these loud mouth, no enforcement kraut motherfuckers online got the idea to ask me
"you and what army broke his jaw"...

I'm telling ya... these loud mouth white cracker, honky krauts don't understand what the f)uck they're dealing with...
that I'll kick their fuckin' white trash inbred ass back to BOMBED OUT berlin.
And they need to shut their fuckin' white Neanderthal mouths

So this is my response...

I'll tell you exactly what Army...
The Army of 8 fingers, 2 thumbs and 28 knuckles attached to two wrists, that are attached to two forearms consisting of two radiuses and two ulnas... attached to two Biceps attached to two shoulders, attached to 1 neck, attached to 1 spine, attached to two hips, attached to two femurs, attached to two Tibias and two fibulas... attached to two ankles, attached to two feet.
With 235 lbs of muscle wrapped around them....

Powered by 1 brain that's trained for 29 years in Philadelphia to get the respect I need, through kicking your white honky bitch fuckin' a$$.
Resorting to violence to end an argument probably isn't the best way of dealing with the situation. Everybody likes a good debate, as long as it stays just that, a debate and doesn't end in a shouting match or in your case a punch up.
No offense, Ace29, but your demeanor, along with your language, is what we always thought of as "white trash!" You could have just said, "No thanks."
I don't get it. He was just trying to hand you a flyer? That doesn't justify a fist match. This is still America, and we still have rights. You can't just punch everybody that you don't agree with. I don't agree with their views either, but there is a phrase I learned when I was two..."No."
I don't get it. He was just trying to hand you a flyer? That doesn't justify a fist match. This is still America, and we still have rights. You can't just punch everybody that you don't agree with. I don't agree with their views either, but there is a phrase I learned when I was two..."No."
Try to see this as a sort of backwards fable. None of that stuff happened to ole Aesop either but it made a story.
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