White House Ignores Ayatollah's 'Death To America' Rhetoric


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2015
First of all, the nuclear deal disaster is coming along just fine with Iran-- for Iran- just the way they had liked it. Sucked in Obama and Kerry. Obama being the smooth talker, liberal-headed guy letting the world imagine that he's in control. Not only that, the Obama administration--the White House-- shame on those who disagree but can't speak up-- dismiss Iran's Supreme leader's bent in his mind about death to king Obama's country and the American people who should be kept in the President's charge to protect and defend.

What kind of a leader, after going kissing with Iran's Ayatollah on a nuclear deal , that says this, 'We didn't aim for whole nuke program' : when Head of State Foreign Minister accuses Kerry of 'allowing state sponsor to develop sophisticated nuclear program'. How is WH going to come out of this horrible mess?

Anyway... Andrew Klavan, author, journalist, political satirist... have a go.
And Russia said it would Bury us, and reagan dealed with them

By the way who sold arms for Iran again, death to america Iran? You know while holding and taking hostages...and trading those arms for them?

But I know you guys only want to negotiate with nations who drop to their knees for us. The rest you have nothing but war as a response.
The Iranian rhetoric is pointless to get overly concerned about. The facts of the "deal" are what should be in focus. So far, the deal seems to be a pretty bad one - but I tend to doubt the votes, or political will, are in place to do much about it.