While Republicans Are Running-Around, With Their Guns...


Good Hemp article.

On the guns at political rallies. Ed Schultz hit that one on the head. Just a matter of time till disaster. And then the pro carry a gun anywhere crowd will do what the Anti-Choice crowd did after another doctor was assassinated.

They'll do the old... Well it wasn't us it was just a "random" psycho. Yeah, right... that's the ticket!

I'd bet there are armed citizens in any crowd of more than 100...there are armed people all around, you just never know it. My uncle has carried a pistol for decades...you could easily have been a few feet from him & never known he wore a .454 in a Maqui rig. (The whole point being CONCEALED carry.) My wife wears a shoulder rig for her 9mm.
I'd bet there are armed citizens in any crowd of more than 100...there are armed people all around, you just never know it. My uncle has carried a pistol for decades...you could easily have been a few feet from him & never known he wore a .454 in a Maqui rig. (The whole point being CONCEALED carry.) My wife wears a shoulder rig for her 9mm.

I carry, and have carried ever since Michigan got the CCW law. However, It ( a modest little .38 special), is in my right front pocket where no one ever sees it. Even if open carry is, or becomes legal, I would not do it inasmuch as there are too many good reasons not to do it. One reason is that I do not wish to attract attention to myself ("cowboy"?), or to make people uncomfortable.

When receiving my permit, there were close to 100 people getting their's at the same time (on that day). Given that observation, there would have to be at least a 1000 people from my county who have CCW permits. Therefore, in any given crowd in this rural county, there are likely to be one or more armed people that no one is aware of.

The people who wished to "open carry" at the referenced event were doing so as a form of political expression/protest.

And for the record, I am not a right-wing conservative nut; I am a left-wing nut who has many good reasons to own firearms.
Such as...............?​

I'm glad you have been lucky enough to live and work in a safe environment, but not all of us have had such luck. If you ever do become challenged by someone who threatens your life or that of your family, what do you expect to happen? Who will you blame for the tragedy? I believe in personal responsibility. One of the greatest problems in this country is that too many people rely on others too much. IMHO
I'd bet there are armed citizens in any crowd of more than 100...there are armed people all around, you just never know it. My uncle has carried a pistol for decades...you could easily have been a few feet from him & never known he wore a .454 in a Maqui rig. (The whole point being CONCEALED carry.) My wife wears a shoulder rig for her 9mm.

I think that CCW is generally fine among responsible citizens. In Alaska we do not require a permit for CCW. So anyone legally able to own or posses a handgun is able to carry it most places.

As for what your uncle carries, I am not one to second guess another on many things, but a 454 in a yaqui rig is about as impractical as it comes.
I carry, and have carried ever since Michigan got the CCW law. However, It ( a modest little .38 special), is in my right front pocket where no one ever sees it. Even if open carry is, or becomes legal, I would not do it inasmuch as there are too many good reasons not to do it. One reason is that I do not wish to attract attention to myself ("cowboy"?), or to make people uncomfortable.

When receiving my permit, there were close to 100 people getting their's at the same time (on that day). Given that observation, there would have to be at least a 1000 people from my county who have CCW permits. Therefore, in any given crowd in this rural county, there are likely to be one or more armed people that no one is aware of.

The people who wished to "open carry" at the referenced event were doing so as a form of political expression/protest.

And for the record, I am not a right-wing conservative nut; I am a left-wing nut who has many good reasons to own firearms.
Well said. As I mentioned earlier, no need for a permit here to carry. While I am always armed while in the woods, I generally dont bother with every day carry. (I know what someone is thinking, about is your gonna bother carrying anytime, you should carry all the time). It is just not something I want to bother myself with.

Either way, that being said, while I generally support ccw, I do not really carry for open carry, or to have people openly brandishing weapons at a public gathering. Those sort of actions, and tolerating them is a recipe for disaster. A lot of people are going to get hurt this way.
Such as...............?​

Im also a gun toting lefty. I own a ton of guns of all kinds. Each of them has a purpose and a function. Very similar to tools. Either way, I also just like shooting. I was out today at the trap shooting range. Shot 4 boxes and was just under my average.
Such as...............?​

Inasmuch as you never post a substantial statement of position on any issue, just throw away "bumper sticker", comments; why should I respond to your posts? If you make a substantial post, I am sure people would be willing to debate with you.

Nevertheless, the short bumper sticker response for "why do I carry a gun?", is: Because a policeman is too heavy.
I'm glad you have been lucky enough to live and work in a safe environment, but not all of us have had such luck.
It's got nothin' to do with luck, rather....not goin' out lookin'-for-trouble.


Im also a gun toting lefty. I own a ton of guns of all kinds. Each of them has a purpose and a function. Very similar to tools. Either way, I also just like shooting. I was out today at the trap shooting range. Shot 4 boxes and was just under my average.
I've got ZERO-problems with sport-shooting.

My problem is with those folks who "carry", and need to tell everyone about it...thinkin' that makes them more-safe.

People, like that, usually get shot...first (by those who know they're armed)...before their weapons (even) "clear leather".

Yeah....we really need more people, like that, runnin'-free.....

I'd bet there are armed citizens in any crowd of more than 100...there are armed people all around, you just never know it. My uncle has carried a pistol for decades...you could easily have been a few feet from him & never known he wore a .454 in a Maqui rig. (The whole point being CONCEALED carry.) My wife wears a shoulder rig for her 9mm.

it must be sad to live your life in such fear.