Transparency is and always will be a promise and not a reality. This isn't about us, it's about them. There are so many games being played rig th now it makes me dizzy.
Each side does a poll and the numbers come up in their favor, surprised? I just did a tour of the country looking for potential Independent Congressional candidates. There is no question that the majority of American's would prefer the system we currently have over a single payer system. They all agree that certain things need to be fixed. Tort Reform and Pre-Existing Conditions are the top two. The overall cost is actually third on the list. I talked to liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans. 90% of them are sick of the lies and the propaganda.
One highlight of my trip was a discussing with an Executive of a health insurance claims processing company. When I asked him how bad would a single payer, government run, system hurt his business; he just laughed. He educated me on the fact that his company and most of the big insurance companies would benefit from a single payer system.
See Medicaid and Medicare claims aren't processed by a building full of civil servants. No, the government subcontracts it out to the insurance companies to manage. The single payer system would end up being the same model. This part of the business is the most profitable and consistent. Unlike the insurance side where there is a lot of risk, this side of the business is easily forcasted. See, the risk now would fall on the tax payers and be managed by the government. This will be a huge win fall for a few of the insurance companies and the rest will fall off planet, reducing any potential competition completely.
So, in the end, are we really going to be making the big bad Insurance Industry pay? Or, are we going to do what we did on Wall Street? Let the government pick the winners and the losers and let the average U.S. citizen pay the price.