Where are we today as far as our democracy is concerned.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2021
The God and leader of the right is a psychopathic mentally deranged criminal. Who is by far the biggest liar in the history of politics in this country. A total ignorant buffoon ,who does nothing unless it is for himself. He and his followers are this country's biggest threat and enemy and democrats have to find a way to dispose of them from American politics to the point that they will not be able to destroy this democracy and future of this country.

If we are stupid enough to give them another jan6th chance on bringing this country down to install a dictator, then we deserve what happens. They literally have no position on anything that has any truth in their insane message. They offer nothing for this country. Support for Putin, the jan6th attack on our democracy, The attack on our democracy to take away the votes of Democrats in every hate party stronghold in this country.

Why is this happening? because they have realized that they no longer can survive in a Democracy without hate , aligning themselves with our true enemies , by the destruction of our voting rights or simply making it harder for a certain group (democrats)to vote all based and justified by 100% lie and now a willingness to impose a dictator of their flavor instead of our democracy. Trump, with the pressure of the legal system in this country or a threat to his next attempt to lead this country ,will ask his followers to kill for him and they will.

They are not just the other side of the isle , or our noble opposition; they are the enemy of our democracy and country. That strong position has to be taken up by the democrats. Point in fact the conservative voice is an important voice in this country but as long as they align themselves with the hate group that calls itself a party , a party that is this country's biggest threat, then they are the enemy also. They have only one choice at this time ,help bring down this hate driven right wing disaster and start a real conservative party that isn't controlled by hate and lies and exists more for the people instead of existing for the transfer of wealth to the golden few at the top.
If we are stupid enough to give them another jan6th chance on bringing this country down to install a dictator, then we deserve what happens. They literally have no position on anything that has any truth in their insane message.

Why is this happening?

What "drives" Donald Trump's cult is average, ordinary laziness. They were convinced they'd helped to elect an Alpha-babysitter; someone who'd promised to do all their thinking, for them....absolving the cultists of any-and-all blame, if the shit hit the fan.