When Muslim dictators speak

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

What expansion in the region ? they are not trying to expand he's full of himself shame turkey is a NATO member .
excellent news

the sooner turkey gets kicked out of nato the better

nato is an aggressive anti-russian alliance bent on destroying the russian state and looting their resources

a failed painter from vienna had the same idea

what happened ?

israel is doomed

soon only the cowardly religious nutjobs will be left

"..Such an exceptionally long war has naturally had very damaging effects upon Israel and its economy, severely impacted by the continuing mobilization of so many reservists. The lack of any clear military victory or signs of an approaching conclusion has also led 500,000 or more Israelis to flee overseas, a massive blow since so many of these individuals were the country’s best-educated and most productive citizens. For the last decade or two, Israel had proclaimed its successful high-tech industry as the engine of country’s economic future and boasted about the flood of investment capital for its startups, but wartime uncertainty has caused a huge outflow of such capital and personnel, with 46,000 businesses having closed by July. Proud Israelis had famously boasted that their Middle Eastern country was “a villa in the jungle,” but nearly a year of fruitless warfare was leading to the villa’s increasing decrepitude and partial abandonment.

Moreover, the continuing Gaza fighting and the very graphic images of Palestinian death and devastation distributed across the world on social media soon drew in the involvement of other regional powers, at least to a limited extent.

The fervent Zionists who were Netanyahu’s crucial political base had long coveted southern Lebanon as a God-given portion of their intended Greater Israel. The IDF had invaded and partially occupied that territory several times over the decades until finally being defeated and driven out by the newly formed Hezbollah Shiite militia, with that organization having now reportedly accumulated an arsenal of some 150,000 missiles and rockets as a very powerful deterrent. The terrible plight of the Gazans attracted Hezbollah’s strong sympathy, so it mobilized its forces on the border, threatening military intervention, while engaging the IDF with cross-border rocket and shelling attacks, suffering bombing strikes in return.


What expansion in the region ? they are not trying to expand he's full of himself shame turkey is a NATO member .
Israel is moving settlers into the West Bank and depriving Palestinians who live there of water and the right to cultivate their crops.
Armed Jewish settlers are killing and beating Palestinian residents in the West Bank.