What’s with saying Latino like LAAtino. Just say Latino with one “A” emphasizing it.

In Spanish the A has the sound "ah". Word that end in a vowel, n or s, are stressed on the next to last syllable. la TEEE no. Words that end in anything other than a vowel, n or s have a written accent on the stressed syllable.
It’s how I’ve seen a lot of Latinos say it
You SAW them say it? Like in a cartoon when you can read what the cartoon characters say?
What seems to tick off Latinos most is clowns that insist on saying LATIN X rather than latino or latina.

I lived in Mexico for three years and never heard anyone say anything that sounds like "laatino", nor does anyone here in Miami say anything like that as well.

In Spanish, there are five vowels: A as in bah, E as in hey, I as in seen, o as in go and u as in loose.

English has more vowel sounds, and the sounds themselves are pronounced differently in different places, and often a single vowem is pronounced as a dipthong (two vowel sounds) as in day.