Lets ignore Iraq for now since neither of us wanted to go there in the first place... You appear to be saying that we shouldn't have gone to war in Afghanistan, since it was only AQ who attacked us and not the country of Afghanistan. If this is the case, how do you think we should have responded to the 9/11 attacks? As a LEOP, as the Left treats terrorism, or what?
You can't answer a hypothetical question?
Would we, or would we not, be lowering ourselves to the level of the terrorists we fight by waterboarding so much as one terrorist?
Since you know exactly how many we waterboarded, then please share that number.
Besides Saxon.... Who is pro torture? Who the F has said that we should torture people?
Are you now going to go back on what I had just asked you about, and changing your position to one of being intellectually dishonest and claiming that those who disagree with you on the SPECIFIC issue of waterboarding are somehow Pro-Torture? ...That if we don't agree with you on that SPECIFIC technique then that somehow means we think crushing testicles and gouging eyes with hot pokers is acceptable behavior?
Well if you have the facts on who, and how many, were subject to waterboarding, then share them.
Are you jumping subjects now or what? Because we both agree that the horrors of Abu Ghraib and elsewhere are inexcusable and the perpetrators deserve the severest of punishment.
Waterboarding was done legally and in accordance with the Geneva Convention, you may not agree that it was legal or in accordance with the GC, but such were the findings of the legal scholars who crafted our interrogation methods and detention policies.
This nonsense about Bush and his Administration being war criminals is just as kooky as the 9/11 truther stories... Conspiracy theories driven by ignorance, hatred and fear.