Well here we go again,, Conservative Pat Buchanan Fired from MSNBC After "White America" book


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Pat Buchanan Fired from MSNBC After "White America" Writing

New York, NY - MSNBC dropped conservative commentator Pat Buchanan on Thursday, four months after suspending him following the publication of his latest book.
The book "Suicide of a Superpower" contained chapters titled "The End of White America" and "The Death of Christian America." Critics called the book racist, anti-Semitic and homophobic, charges Buchanan denied.
MSNBC President Phil Griffin said last month that he didn't think Buchanan's book "should be part of the national dialogue, much less part of the dialogue on MSNBC."


Whatever a conservative makes comments on religion,Sex or Race he gets the boot..But when left winged liberals do the very samething nothing gets done to them,, Like remember Jimmy Fallon eh? Well NBC TV took no action on Jimmy Fallon for this!!
Double Standard? Jimmy Fallon KNEW what was going on and NBC Excutives took NO ACTION!
Typical of the Left. For years we heard the lefties cry about being blacklisted in the 50's now they do it to anyone who disagrees with them. HYPOCRISY!

Can anyone name one Sunday news show that is moderated by a conservative? Just one and you can go back 50 years.

The TV media, excepting Fox, is completely and totally controlled by libs and they feel no compunction with liberal biased news reporting . They are so dumb they actually think they are reporting the news without bias.
Typical of the Left. For years we heard the lefties cry about being blacklisted in the 50's now they do it to anyone who disagrees with them. HYPOCRISY!

Can anyone name one Sunday news show that is moderated by a conservative? Just one and you can go back 50 years.

The TV media, excepting Fox, is completely and totally controlled by libs and they feel no compunction with liberal biased news reporting . They are so dumb they actually think they are reporting the news without bias.

Like i said back in the 50s and beyond liberals were controled. Why you think Humphey Borgart or Rita Hayworth never got out of control? Cause they need certain roles for the academdy awards. Like not one Hollywood celebrity spoke out against FDR during WWII they all supported FDR and backed our soldiers. Now they blame the president and the trash our soldiers. Why dont Movie excutives put a stop to this? Like start firing them!! Fire people like Sean Penn for example.
I have not read the book but it should hardly be judged based on the titles of chapters.

But I do think it is scary that the heads of MSNBC are stating that some view should not even be part of a national dialogue. Shouldn't all views be part of the national dialogue?

This kind of silencing of the opposition is far too common today.

On the other hand of the station does not feel the views are consistent with what they want to air then so be it. But they should stop calling themselves a news station since they make no pretense at objectivity.
From a bunch of FOX Viewers...crying about a Republican not being on MSNBC anymore...When was the last time FOX had a Liberal Host a show...I have not read the book so I don't know what was in it...of course I doubt most of you never read it as well...but freely cast judgment on his release from MSNBC due to what was in it...And yes , I own at least 1...I think 2 but they are all boxed up...of his books. He was one of my Favorite people to be on MSNBC , and liked him as a back up host for Hardball when he did that. ( I Also Like Joe S, even Liked Chris Tucker when he had his own show, and enjoy having M.Steel on for analysis) ....

YOu know Fox Axed a guy for ideas they felt to out of the mainstream...I think his name was Beck or something....
From a bunch of FOX Viewers...crying about a Republican not being on MSNBC anymore...When was the last time FOX had a Liberal Host a show...I have not read the book so I don't know what was in it...of course I doubt most of you never read it as well...but freely cast judgment on his release from MSNBC due to what was in it...And yes , I own at least 1...I think 2 but they are all boxed up...of his books. He was one of my Favorite people to be on MSNBC , and liked him as a back up host for Hardball when he did that. ( I Also Like Joe S, even Liked Chris Tucker when he had his own show, and enjoy having M.Steel on for analysis) ....

YOu know Fox Axed a guy for ideas they felt to out of the mainstream...I think his name was Beck or something....

Jerry Rivers aka Geraldo Rivera
Geraldo Rivera is a republican...be it a more liberal one...but he is Republican.
"I always wanted to do radio,” Rivera said. “I am kind of a liberal Republican"

didn't say democrat, said liberal. could probably make a case for Van Sustern as well. shoot Dr Paul calls himself republican despite being libertarian. thats a matter of convenience.
Geraldo Rivera is a republican...be it a more liberal one...but he is Republican.
"I always wanted to do radio,” Rivera said. “I am kind of a liberal Republican"

didn't say democrat, said liberal. could probably make a case for Van Sustern as well. shoot Dr Paul calls himself republican despite being libertarian. thats a matter of convenience.
didn't say democrat, said liberal. could probably make a case for Van Sustern as well. shoot Dr Paul calls himself republican despite being libertarian. thats a matter of convenience.

Being a Liberal Republican...is not the same as being a Liberal....just means he is a more Moderate Republican. so do you find it odd that for "Fair and Balanced" the best you can come up with is a Moderate Republican....There is no FOX news Buchanan...or Tucker or Joe S. There is no real Democrat on Fox. There is no Real Liberal. you should not have to "make a case" You don't have to make a case that Any of the 4 I have said from MSNBC are Republican or Conservatives. its very clear.
Being a Liberal Republican...is not the same as being a Liberal....just means he is a more Moderate Republican. so do you find it odd that for "Fair and Balanced" the best you can come up with is a Moderate Republican....There is no FOX news Buchanan...or Tucker or Joe S. There is no real Democrat on Fox. There is no Real Liberal. you should not have to "make a case" You don't have to make a case that Any of the 4 I have said from MSNBC are Republican or Conservatives. its very clear.

these are commentators, its the news thats fair and balanced.
Being a Liberal Republican...is not the same as being a Liberal....just means he is a more Moderate Republican. so do you find it odd that for "Fair and Balanced" the best you can come up with is a Moderate Republican....There is no FOX news Buchanan...or Tucker or Joe S. There is no real Democrat on Fox. There is no Real Liberal. you should not have to "make a case" You don't have to make a case that Any of the 4 I have said from MSNBC are Republican or Conservatives. its very clear.

these are commentators, its the news thats fair and balanced.
these are commentators, its the news thats fair and balanced.

odd when talking about how liberal MSNBC is...they never talk about the news people...Just the Commentators....and of course FOX news is a circle jerk...the commentators..say something..the news people then "report what was said" then the Commentators say , its in the news...even though they put it in the news...

I never hear ...Fox News...fair and Balanced 4 hours a day....
odd when talking about how liberal MSNBC is...they never talk about the news people...Just the Commentators....and of course FOX news is a circle jerk...the commentators..say something..the news people then "report what was said" then the Commentators say , its in the news...even though they put it in the news...

I never hear ...Fox News...fair and Balanced 4 hours a day....

is it really surprising that some on the right respond in kind ?

they say fox news f&b, not fox commentary.

I cracked up at a story the other day saying fox had veered left. if only journalism were practiced. but it never was.
odd when talking about how liberal MSNBC is...they never talk about the news people...Just the Commentators....and of course FOX news is a circle jerk...the commentators..say something..the news people then "report what was said" then the Commentators say , its in the news...even though they put it in the news...

I never hear ...Fox News...fair and Balanced 4 hours a day....

is it really surprising that some on the right respond in kind ?

they say fox news f&b, not fox commentary.

I cracked up at a story the other day saying fox had veered left. if only journalism were practiced. but it never was.
is it really surprising that some on the right respond in kind ?

they say fox news f&b, not fox commentary.

I cracked up at a story the other day saying fox had veered left. if only journalism were practiced. but it never was.

its a very political way of marketing the station...and being a right wing mouthpiece while pretending its just a fair news source...There is a reason half the GOP people running for Pres, or that where thought to run...where from Fox News...No one thinks, when they say Fox news..Fair and Balanced...that they mean 2 people on the network are Fair...
its a very political way of marketing the station...and being a right wing mouthpiece while pretending its just a fair news source...There is a reason half the GOP people running for Pres, or that where thought to run...where from Fox News...No one thinks, when they say Fox news..Fair and Balanced...that they mean 2 people on the network are Fair...

and noone even thinks about characterizing the rest as anything but left biased.

maybe people feel Fox is closer to the mark as they prefer it and have for some time now.
its a very political way of marketing the station...and being a right wing mouthpiece while pretending its just a fair news source...There is a reason half the GOP people running for Pres, or that where thought to run...where from Fox News...No one thinks, when they say Fox news..Fair and Balanced...that they mean 2 people on the network are Fair...

and noone even thinks about characterizing the rest as anything but left biased.

maybe people feel Fox is closer to the mark as they prefer it and have for some time now.
From a bunch of FOX Viewers...crying about a Republican not being on MSNBC anymore...When was the last time FOX had a Liberal Host a show...I have not read the book so I don't know what was in it...of course I doubt most of you never read it as well...but freely cast judgment on his release from MSNBC due to what was in it...And yes , I own at least 1...I think 2 but they are all boxed up...of his books. He was one of my Favorite people to be on MSNBC , and liked him as a back up host for Hardball when he did that. ( I Also Like Joe S, even Liked Chris Tucker when he had his own show, and enjoy having M.Steel on for analysis) ....

YOu know Fox Axed a guy for ideas they felt to out of the mainstream...I think his name was Beck or something....

Typical thinking of a leftist.

The entire TV news industry is controlled by leftists, except Fox. And he complains that Fox News does not have a lib host.

He sees nothing wrong with the liberal media silencing conservatives. He fails to comprehend how dangerous this is. He likely is very much in agreement with it. We know lefties got their panties in a bunch when in the 1950s some were blacklisted for being commies. But, when conservatives are blacklisted its a good thing. HYPOCRISY!!!

It could be the left media is working diligently to purge itself of anyone who is not on the liberal plantation...so the lib group think can go uncontested. Remember what the commies at NPR did to Juan Williams???...and he is hardly a conservative.