Do I support a meaningless non-binding, voluntarily plan -- I don't much care because it is 100% irrelevant.
No, but I don't think the impact of ratification would be what the arguments against the convention claim.
Uh no -- and that is not happening either. What you are referring to is the UN's International Telecommunication Union's International Telecommunication Regulations treaty -- adopted in 1988 and up for renewal shortly.
However, if you read how it works, the regulations under the ITR are non-binding, and only become binding if the member state then enacts it through their own domestic legislation -- ie Congress would have to pass it.
Not to mention, our own government, who has seen all these proposals, has stated, "there are no pending proposals to invest the ITU with ICANN-like Internet governance authority.”
I am not sure what you mean here -- but there is simply no credible proposal to enact this.
You are going to have to be more specific -- there are numerous proposals out there -- all of which are basically non starters.