Washington Marching Against the Genocide of Whites in South Africa

Bastian Auser

New Member
Mar 27, 2016
Welcome to the "Demand For Free Independent Afrikaner(Boer) State(s)" !!! Washington Marching Against the Genocide of Whites(Boers and white Afrikaners) in South Africa where over 90.000 of them were already massacred (not just killed, but often times cooked/burned alive.... talking about elderly and children as well) !!!


Please stop bye also at "South African Family Relief Project" where kids, elderly, and everything in between(totally impoverished whites living in squatter camps) are awaiting for your help !!!

https://www.facebook.com/SouthAfricanFamilyReliefProject/?pnref=lhc OR http://www.safrpsa.org/

I hope that this
video will open not only your eyes, but also your hearts !!! This is how one million of white Afrikaners(out of total 3.5 mil in South Africa) lives in extreme poverty(1/3 of the white population in SA)...

Our white minority in South Africa is treated in such racist way that they were for a very long time not even allowed to participate(receive aid) with charity organizations that would benefit them...


Sincerely yours,

Bastian Auser

ps. I am asking for help like this because your(our) governments wouldn't want to know anything about us !!! Main stream media worldwide is prohibited from disclosing the truth about whites in South Africa !!!

Stormfront.webp 10468155_337801103045311_7732993271751092378_o.webp
South Africa temporarily solved the problem of white poverty in the apartheid era but the issue has reared its ugly head again. The government could guarantee full employment of white South Africans by apartheid policies back in the 1980s. More than 40,000 whites, of a total 4,5 million South Africans are currently classified as absolutely poor.

Yes, and I am glad that YOU know about it :) anyhow, my news site is all in English..... you are more than welcome to join us.
I have a number of friends who were able to leave those two countries. Some left or had property taken. But they feared for their lives, saw no choice but had means to escape.
Loads of misconceptions people have regarding life there.
It's a shame that black South Africans after enduring decades of discrimination during the apartheid era instead of promoting equality for all do exactly what the previous regimes did. As South Africa is a sovereign country I'm afraid there is little that can be done to help the "working class" whites who live in slums.

One thing we can all learn from this — revolutions never change anything.
Even though the people who promote this thing are white supremacists with a biased agenda, you can't deny what's going on. However, in reality, the only solution is for the poorest white South Africans to leave. Without money they're never going to be treated with a lot of respect, especially in a nation where some people are trying to get even.
However, in reality, the only solution is for the poorest white South Africans to leave. Without money they're never going to be treated with a lot of respect . . .
Where would they go? If only they had money, they could move but many of those who live in the slums make less than $4 a day [I saw that in an article]. If they can't leave then they must do what everyone else would do to survive. Do what every other poor person in the country does — do odd jobs, start a small business — anything that will earn them a little money to feed themselves.
Where would they go? If only they had money, they could move but many of those who live in the slums make less than $4 a day [I saw that in an article]. If they can't leave then they must do what everyone else would do to survive. Do what every other poor person in the country does — do odd jobs, start a small business — anything that will earn them a little money to feed themselves.

In many cases they need more education. In that case, they could leave the nation or at least live a more proud existence. Note, traditionally the Boers were farmers. Therefore, I'm assuming that during the aparthied years the lower class Boers at least had agricultural jobs.