Violent crime stats.


Joe Biden is correct that violent crime is near a 50-year low
Republicans have argued that Biden is responsible for high levels of crime. He has responded by saying that violent crime has fallen. He's right

Its amus8ng how stupid Republicans are. But scary too since they vote based on stupidity.
Those maggats who think everything is worse under Biden, sorry.

Lefties lie about facts, hide facts, don't record facts, and manipulate facts that demonstrate failures in democrat policies. Defunding the police, seizing guns from American patriots, and decriminalizing crime does not make Americans safer from violence no matter what cackling democrats have claimed to the contrary.
Lefties lie about facts, hide facts, don't record facts, and manipulate facts that demonstrate failures in democrat policies. Defunding the police, seizing guns from American patriots, and decriminalizing crime does not make Americans safer from violence no matter what cackling democrats have claimed to the contrary.
Sorry if facts make you look stupid