Venezuelan-owned Citgo flies flags half staff in Texas, Louisiana for Chavez


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Out of respect for President Hugo Chavez, Venezuelan-owned oil refinery Citgo flew its flags at half staff outside its Houston and Lake Charles, La., offices Wednesday, sparking outcry from drivers passing by.

In Houston, the flags at the refinery were lowered to half staff as late as this afternoon, and caused a number of people to look twice as they drove by. James Post, an assistant project manager at an engineering and construction firm in Harris County, told the sight was "jarring" and "deeply disappointing."

U.S. protocol allows for flags to be lowered for foreign dignitaries and Post recognized Citgo's right to do so as a private company. However, he said upon seeing the American or Texas flag at half staff, he questioned the person being honored; and said his mind "immediately jumped to the last time we did this in the Houston-area and it was for Neil Armstrong, so, you wonder."

Meanwhile, Terry Backhaus, a financial adviser in Louisiana, told the flags at the Citgo refinery in Lake Charles had apparently been raised back by noon. "I think I used a profanity when I saw it this morning, I was disgusted," Bakhaus said. "I didn't believe it to be right, not for somebody who wasn't a true American ally."

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Now i want Texas Governor Rick Perry get even. Chavez attacked Our former president George W Bush calling him the devil at the UN. I want Rick Perry revoke their oil license from doing business in texas. Governors do have that power to do so