US threatens more sanctions against China because of South China Sea


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
1. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top U.S. diplomat for East Asia warned on Tuesday that Washington could respond with sanctions against Chinese officials and enterprises involved in coercion in the South China Sea after the United States announced a tougher stance to Beijing's claims there.

"Nothing is off the table ... there is room for that. This is a language the Chinese understand - demonstrative and tangible action," David Stilwell, the assistant secretary of state for East Asia, told a Washington think tank when asked if sanctions were a possible U.S. response to Chinese actions....

Greg Poling, a South China Sea expert at Washington's Center for Strategic and International Studies said declaring Chinese claims illegal opened the way for a tougher U.S. response, such as through sanctions, and could also lead to more U.S. naval presence operations....

"Any move by (China) to physically occupy, reclaim or militarize Scarborough Shoal would be a dangerous move ... and would have lasting and severe consequences for (China's)relationship with the United States, as well as the entire region," he said.


2. Nothing is off the table? So far everything seems to be “still well”. What Stilwell said reminds me of a television show in which an angry husband overturned a dining table during a heated quarrel with his wife, sending cutlery, bowls and plates of food flying across the floor. So Mr Stilwell, are you going to send everything off the table too? Or will you bang your shoe on the table like what Nikita Khrushchev did at the UN General Assembly on October 13, 1960?

Man's memories are short. Maybe the Americans have forgotten their "nose-bruising" experience in the 1950 Korean War when they ignored Mao Zedong's warning that China would not sit idly if US troops crossed the 38th parallel and pressed on towards the Sino-Korea border.

The US should know who is calling the shots in China. Then why is it sanctioning low-level officials who will never set foot on US soil even during "normal" times? If the shadowboxing ends with sanctions applied on each other's head of state or the whole government, there will be something exciting to watch -- just like the spectators waking up when they see the two boxers finally come into contact after circling for one hour in the ring without any action.
Chinas aggression in the South China Sea is watched closely by many countries. The International Court clearly has spoken:

The fleets of Zheng He, a Chinese mariner, explorer, diplomat, fleet admiral, and court eunuch during China's early Ming dynasty had visited Brunei, Java, Thailand, Southeast Asia, India, the Horn of Africa and Arabia in seven naval expeditions between 1405 and 1433. At that time, there were no such countries by the name of the Philippines, Indonesia or Malaysia. Europeans had yet to dream of sailing round Africa to reach China.

During his seven expeditions to lands as far as Africa and Arabia, Zheng He definitely established many military outposts in the South China Sea. Unfortunately, for some unknown reasons in the decades after the last voyage, Imperial Ming officials minimized the importance of Zheng He and his expeditions throughout the many regional and dynastic histories they compiled. Detailed records of his expeditions were destroyed by the Ming authorities, perhaps fearing that his power had become greater than the Emperor’s.

Long before the establishment of the International Court, or such countries as the Philippines, Indonesia or Malaysia and long before the appearance of Europeans in Southeast Asia, Zheng He had visited the reefs and isles of the South China Sea and established his outposts there. If not for the stupidity of the Ming Court, China could hand over to the International Court all the travel records of Zheng He as solid proofs of Chinese sovereignty over the South China Sea.
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