Us federal government facing debt collapse


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
in 4 years, the interest bill will be nearly 4 trillion dollars - a result of the difficulty of selling treasury bonds which now are as popular as anthrax

this will be nearly two and half times the similarly expanding war expenditure and the combined value of social security and medicare

print more money

this is the real cause of inflation

comrade stalin
crumbling wall street
4a492b5c-f55f-4543-8c98-6c0dc3a1d96b[1].jpg in 4 years, the interest bill will be nearly 4 trillion dollars - a result of the difficulty of selling treasury bonds which now are as popular as anthrax

this will be nearly two and half times the similarly expanding war expenditure and the combined value of social security and medicare

print more money

this is the real cause of inflation

comrade stalin
crumbling wall street

in 4 years, the interest bill will be nearly 4 trillion dollars - a result of the difficulty of selling treasury bonds which now are as popular as anthrax

this will be nearly two and half times the similarly expanding war expenditure and the combined value of social security and medicare

print more money

this is the real cause of inflation

comrade stalin
crumbling wall street
You said nothing when Trump put 7 trillion on the debt and a trillion in the budget deficit.