UK election


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
As usual, the three act comedy that is the UK election is unrolling before our eyes...

also as usual. any party that is not a paid-up member of the egregious WarParty is not allowed into the space of the propaganda machine
that is the "mass media"..

when i lived in the UK, the only politician that came close to what I thought was jeremy corban...

his accession to the leadership of the labour party, with the mass backing of the rank and file, was a moment of light in a dismal
virtual dictatorship..

alas, jeremy supported equal tights and justice for palestinians, so of course the zionist settler project mobilised all resources
against him, hounding him out of the leadership with a baseless and ridiculous charge of antisemitism ( now a badge of honour )

jeremy is standing as an independent in islington and, as is his policy, is firmly against the satire that is the uk nuclear wepaons deterent..

here he is on nukes :

comrade stalin
also predictably, the zionist settler project backs as many horses as it can..

there is only one word for this largesse...bribes

"..Some 180 of Britain’s 650 MPs in the last parliament accepted funding from pro-Israel lobby groups or individuals during their political career, Declassified can reveal.

That includes 130 Conservative MPs, 41 Labour MPs and three Liberal Democrats.

Three members of the DUP, two independents and Reform’s only MP complete the list.

The total value of the donations from pro-Israel groups, individuals, and Israeli state institutions amounts to over one million pounds.

Between them, the politicians made over 240 paid-for trips to Israel, at a cost of over half a million pounds.

Some of those trips involved visits to the Occupied Palestinian Territories, and a small number were co-sponsored by groups which do not form part of the Israel lobby.

Remarkably, fifteen MPs have accepted funding to travel to Israel amid the Gaza genocide.

Huda Ammori, the co-founder of the direct action network Palestine Action, told Declassified: “Accepting funding from a lobby group on behalf of the perpetrators of a genocide should immediately bar anyone from standing as an MP.

“To see how politicians continue to travel to Israel and engage with the genocide lobby explains why our government continues to defy international law by facilitating Israel’s war crimes”

the list

comrade stalin
no surprises here ..the WarParty wins with new labour leader full on for ukraine and the settler project

new ruling party wins a huge majority of seats with only 20% of eligible voters choosing them...that's democracy

a similar situation to the united snakes where similar small percentages dictate which WarParty apparatchiks, approved and financed by the settler project foreign agents get selected...

starmer's wife and children are practising jews so expect a very stong pro-zionist postion

comrade stalin