Trump's proposed budget is DOA


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
Lawmakers, even the Republican ones, reject Trump's proposed plan to cut environmental protection, cut infrastructure spending, and still increase the deficit.

Both Republican and Democratic lawmakers rejected President Donald Trump's proposed budget blueprint even before it was formally released Tuesday, saying that the cuts are too steep and the accounting is too unrealistic. Lawmakers said the document, which reflects the president's broad vision, will go nowhere in Congress.

His proposed budget, like his plan to repeal the ACA and replace it with something more expensive that covers fewer Americans, is dead on arrival in Congress.

Good news!
Good news!
It makes you wonder what sort of advice he is receiving - surely you would do a whip count on a proposition before it goes to the house? Is Priebus playing chicken with the whips?
I assume now that the backroom deals are being done bewteen the party leaders and whips? It seems that there is going to be some kind of bi-partisan deal struck outside of what Mulvaney wants? He must be running round in circles at the moment.

The unrealistic assumptions in the President’s budget help it to achieve substantial debt reduction and an ultimately balanced budget on paper but do nothing to assure a strong fiscal footing in reality. These growth numbers are not only unrealistically high, but using the revenue from feedback from economic growth toward deficit reduction – which we support – is inconsistent with recent statements that economic growth would be used to help finance tax reform.
Rather than making unrealistic assumptions, the President must make the hard tax and spending choices needed to truly bring the national debt under control.

In constructing its budget numbers, the President’s budget uses much more favorable economic growth assumptions than CBO, projecting average real growth of 2.9 percent over ten years compared to 1.8 percent in CBO’s projection. Part of this is due to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) assuming higher baseline growth of 2.2 percent, while the rest comes from the budget’s effects on growth.

Interesting comments from the CBO

He is proposing what he said he would.
Whether it's DOA or not remains to be seen. He did get elected on the concept.
Nobody gets 100% of what they want and this is a budget only, not legislation so it's miles from any whip.
This is the theater part. Time will tell what gets voted on.
He is proposing what he said he would.
Whether it's DOA or not remains to be seen. He did get elected on the concept.
Nobody gets 100% of what they want and this is a budget only, not legislation so it's miles from any whip.
This is the theater part. Time will tell what gets voted on.
I don't recall him saying that he wanted to increase the deficit, but he said so many things that I could have missed it.
When both parties are saying the budget is DOA, then you can be pretty sure it's going nowhere.
Yes, no doubt the back room deals are starting. If you like sausages and laws....
I don't recall him saying that he wanted to increase the deficit, but he said so many things that I could have missed it.
When both parties are saying the budget is DOA, then you can be pretty sure it's going nowhere.
Yes, no doubt the back room deals are starting. If you like sausages and laws....
Oddly enough he was pretty honest about that but he also knew and said as the economy roared back the revenue would improve accordingly to help with that.
Everyone grouse s but let's see what they do when their constituents speak up.
We have a spending problem that must be addressed.
I'm glad he is doing it.
Oddly enough he was pretty honest about that but he also knew and said as the economy roared back the revenue would improve accordingly to help with that.
Everyone grouse s but let's see what they do when their constituents speak up.
We have a spending problem that must be addressed.
I'm glad he is doing it.
So, he did say he'd increase the deficit, but he's going to solve the spending problem by doing so?

That makes about as much sense as anything else he's done.