Trump's mumble jumbo about a COVID-19 vaccine


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
The following is full text of an article posted on behalf of wchao37 under the headline "Trump's mumble jumbo about a COVID-19 vaccine".

(Begin text)
Donald Trump is not only a quack (not even a charlatan, because he's not a medic) when it comes to dispensing advice about cures and vaccines, he is a dangerous and irresponsible futurist.
He couldn't name any scientific or medical authoritative sources to substantiate his claim that the U.S. will come up with a vaccine against COVID-19 by the end of 2020, but the real-estate man still finds it conscionable to announce that the U.S. would have a coronavirus vaccine by the end of this year. Here's what he said:


WASHINGTON - US President Donald Trump on Sunday said the United States would have a coronavirus vaccine by the end of this year.
"We are very confident that we're going to have a vaccine at the end of the year, by the end of the year," Trump said in a Fox News "town hall" show broadcast from the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC.

He also said he would urge the reopening of schools and universities in September, saying "I want them to go back."


Let me emphasize that so far none of the U.S. medical experts has seconded his statement because no one really knows how long it would take to truly develop such a vaccine given the novel nature of the virus. Just the part authenticating the efficacy of any new vaccine would take more than a year, and now it is less than eight months before the end of 2020.

So what does he really mean?

He's actually challenging Chinese medics to hasten their vaccine-making efforts so that he can reap the benefits of their efforts to salvage the U.S. economy. He's really not talking about the American researchers.

If Chinese leaders fall into the trap that's being set for them, then when China succeeds in making such a vaccine for COVID-19 he would field another lie and claim without any evidence that the Chinese have stolen it from the U.S.

He would then demand that China supplies the fifty states with all the vaccines they need without paying a cent for them.

Will our side be foolhardy enough to fall into his preset trap and help him solve all his nagging problems -- first by restoring the U.S. economy and second by rebuilding its war machine which has been traumatized by COVID-19 -- by tripling our investments into finding such a cure and sharing it with the Americans?

I am not worried about Chinese medics coming up with a vaccine, but I am worried that once we've successfully helped the U.S. to recover from the disease, it will benefit their armed forces enough for them to threaten us again.

It is natural for us to feel proud that we might be the first nation to develop a vaccine, but there is no hurry at all.

We don't have to listen to Trump and come up with a vaccine by the end of the year 2020 just so that we can out-compete the Americans as if we were at a spectators' sport like volleyball and that we've got to win the fifth set for the nation.

Don't fall into his trap.

We will just take it easy and develop a vaccine with the rest of the world (other than the U.S. which hasn't agreed to join such a conjoint effort anyway).

Too often we had been fooled into believing the sincerity of this man who has been a crook from Day One.

Remember he and his wife were invited into the inner quarters of Beijing's Gugong or Imperial Palace during his first presidential visit to China, which was an honor that no foreign dignatories had ever received from us -- not even Putin or our all-weather friends such as the Pakistani presidents.

And yet what kind of reciprocal treatment have we received from him?

Slights and more slights; lies and more lies; slanders and more slanders.

Not a day passes without the Twitter Bandit spilling forth his vomitus onto the red carpet rolled out for him by Beijing.

Well, let him suffer the consequences of his actions then, just like he had made us suffer with his mountains of lies against our goodwill.

Fool us once the shame is on you, fool us twice the shame is on us.

Got it?

"If there is no vaccine by the end of the year, from any country, Trump may even claim he made the wrong prediction because he was misled by the possibility that China could make the vaccine on time."

At the time of this posting, Chinese scientists have developed three versions of a COVID-19 vaccine. Each of the three will have to go through a rigorous and lengthy protocol of testing in human volunteers before their efficacies can be determined and compared. That's why it will take time because this is no time to take a gamble in developing risky complications.

Trump's proposal, on the other hand, is unscientific and dangerous. Apparently he prefers to have a vaccine before the November election to boost his re-election chances. So it will be a political vaccine hurriedly developed in a political incubator. It is dangerous because if time is his primary concern, he will have to hurry it up by skipping several steps in the certification process and gamble with the lives of all Americans.

Would you choose for you and your family to be guinea pigs about to be inoculated with a political vaccine with undetermined safety and efficacy in human populations?

To be able to have reached such an advanced stage in vaccine testing also means the viral specimens have been available in the U.S. for quite some time, and not just in the few months since the end of February as we had been led to believe before the flurry of earlier cases recently authenticated in Clara County, California, New Jersey, France, and Italy. Even the U.S. nuclear sub later found to have been contaminated with COVID-19 had left harbor before the first case in China was reported from Wuhan.

So that means the White House has been hiding many secrets as to where (Fort Detrick?), when, how, why and on whom the virus had been found in the States, especially the pneumonia cases attributed to vape smoking last year and now determined by re-examination of the CT scans to have been caused by COVID-19.

So Trump failed to notify the WHO of the new disease after Dr, Robert Redfield of the CDC repeatedly informed him of the fact that coronavirus and not the influenza virus was the cause of many of the 20,000 deaths in August and September of 2019 during the "flu" epidemic infecting 26 million people, and yet China had all along been targetted in the Blame Game, showing that the Americans had known the origin of the pandemic all along and so far have kept a tight lid on that piece of information. That's also why the top brass sold their stocks before the four meltdowns because they all had prior knowledge of how bad the pandemic was going to be.

No matter how you slice it, that's the behavior of a demon.

While waiting for a political vaccine, we have far more important things to do.

I believe we should seriously consider the overwhelming importance of a massive counterattack at this pivotal juncture in world history.

China has only one opportunity to speak in front of the global audience before the U.S. presidential election is underway in November, and that opportunity will come during the TWO SESSIONS starting on May 21, 2020, at the Great Hall of the People.

I personally believe that we should let the spokespersons at the foreign ministry hammer away at the short question "Why did the U.S. CDC shut down Fort Detrick in July 2019?" and then let a strong leader verbalize it in the Two Sessions. We should leave no stones unturned until the whole world knows the importance and centrality of that question.

We need to be aggressively repetitious on that one topic because it has become the soft underbelly of their argument.

Most of the world hasn't even heard about Fort Detrick or the Troop 711 bioweapons war criminals at Harbin. It would be of inestimable redeeming value for the victims of the vivisections and a great occasion to tell the world that Chinese lives should never have been trivialized, especially by a WWII ally.

We cannot miss the chance to sweep them off the high pedestal of world opinion by concentrating our firepower on this one topic and win a decisive battle before the U.S. presidential election in November, or else the unsettled question will linger on and flare up again in the form of a festering wound sometime in the future, and then they would say, "why did you not complain before if it is that important to you?"

The period between now and the Two Sessions afford a unique window of opportunity for us to sweep them off the high moral pedestal and uncloak the demon.

It would be best for someone to speak up loudly during the Two Sessions -- even invoking the two words "Fort Detrick" would suffice to bring it to the world's attention.

Or we can limp along like little bound-footed old ladies afraid to stand up and speak against the ravages of demonic effrontery.

Please speak up for justice and for China. We can't hear you.
Trump is saying he wants to get 300 million vaccines ready by the end of the year by investing 3 billion dollars for the project.

If it is just a matter of money then we wouldn't be having over 72K deaths today due to his mishandling of the crisis. For one thing. the U.S. Treasury printing press can print enough greenbacks anytime to fund such a project and so what's all the fuss about?

The only thing certain is that in the week right before the votng booths are open the American people will be told that he's going to have those vaccine shots ready -- you guessed it -- the day after the election.

Then the day after he will announce there has been a technical problem and the shots wouldn't be ready just yet.

So let's review the major false claims the Trump/Pompeo team has made in the lead up to this week's White House infection cases.

btw, we need to be on the same page when we talk about malicious attacks. China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has published an article on COVID-19 on Saturday, rebutting false claims from the US on ties between COVID-19 and China, and the ministry says it will continue to rebut the false claims if new ones come up.

Here you can see that China has rebutted 24 untrue U.S. claims, including calling the novel coronavirus "Chinese virus", and that the virus is produced by the Wuhan Institute of Virology.


1.Allegation: COVID-19 is "Chinese virus"
Reality Check: WHO has made it clear that the naming of a disease should not be associated with a particular country or place.

2.Allegation: Wuhan is the origin of the virus
Reality Check: Being the first to report the virus does not mean that Wuhan is its origin. In fact, the origin is still not identified. Source tracing is a serious scientific matter, which should be based on science and should be studied by scientists and medical experts.

3.Allegation: The virus was constructed by the Wuhan Institute of Virology
Reality Check: All available evidence shows that SARS-CoV-2 is natural in origin, not man-made.

4.Allegation: COVID-19 was caused by an accidental leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology
Reality Check: The Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory (Wuhan P4 Laboratory) in the WIV is a government cooperation program between China and France. The Institute does not have the capability to design and synthesize a new coronavirus, and there is no evidence of pathogen leaks or staff infections in the Institute.

5.Allegation: China spread the virus to the world
Reality Check: China took the most stringent measures within the shortest possible time, which has largely kept the virus within Wuhan. Statistics show that very few cases were exported from China.

6.Allegation: The Chinese contracted the virus while eating bats
Reality Check: Bats are never part of the Chinese diet.

7.Allegation: China is reopening wildlife wet markets
Reality Check: There are no so-called "wildlife wet markets" in China. China has passed legislation banning all illegal hunting and trade of wild animals.

8.Allegation: China's cover-up resulted in the spread of the virus
Reality Check: What has happened is an unexpected attack by an unknown virus against human beings. It takes time to study and understand it. China has provided timely information to the world in an open, transparent and responsible manner.

9.Allegation: China arrested Dr. Li Wenliang, a whistle-blower
Reality Check: Dr. Li Wenliang was not a whistle-blower, and he was not arrested.

10.Allegation: China was too late in disclosing information about human-to-human transmission
Reality Check: The messages from China and the World Health Organization have been timely and strong. The US knows about the danger of the virus all along.

11.Allegation: China is not transparent in data releasing
Reality Check: China has been fully open and transparent about its COVID-19 data. The figures can well stand the test of history.

12.Allegation: China covered up a large number of cases in the early days of COVID-19
Reality Check: The data revision by Wuhan is a common international practice. As a matter of fact, it proves that China is open, transparent and responsible.

13.Allegation: China has been spreading disinformation about COVID-19
Reality Check: China has all along been open and transparent in information release. On the contrary, some US politicians, scholars and media outlets that are hostile to China have kept slandering and attacking China. China is a victim of disinformation.

14.Allegation: The Chinese political system is the root cause of the problem
Reality Check: Virus does not distinguish between ideology or social system. The Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Chinese government have played a decisive and critical role in leading the Chinese people in the successful fight against COVID-19.

15. Allegation: China expelled US journalists to hide the truth about COVID-19
Reality Check: China's measure was a response to the US long-term oppression of Chinese media in the US, especially the recent expulsion of 60 Chinese journalists. China has released information in an open, transparent, responsible and timely manner.

16.Allegation: China controls WHO
Reality Check: China firmly supports multilateralism. We have all along been in good communication and cooperation with WHO. But we have never attempted to manipulate the organization. The suspension of funding by the US, the largest contributor to WHO, has been widely opposed by the international community.

17.Allegation: The WHO failed to take seriously the COVID-19 situation in Taiwan
Reality Check: The Taiwan region of China did not send any warning to WHO. What it did was asking for more information from the organization after the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission reported the disease.

18.Allegation: China has blocked Taiwan's bid to join WHO
Reality Check: Taiwan, being part of China, has no right to join WHO, whose membership requires sovereign statehood. The technical cooperation channel between China's Taiwan and WHO is unimpeded.

19.Allegation: China is responsible for the global spread of COVID-19
Reality Check: There is zero legal basis for holding China accountable and making it pay for COVID-19. Essentially, some US politicians are trying to shift the blame out of domestic political agenda.

20.Allegation: China has been profiteering from COVID-19
Reality Check: Despite a still formidable task of combating COVID-19 at home, China has been providing medical supplies to other countries to the best of its ability.

21.Allegation: China's anti-epidemic assistance to other countries is to serve its political purposes
Reality Check: China's assistance to other countries is a return of their kindness in helping China with COVID-19 response. It is also a concrete step to put into action the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind.

22.Allegation: China is interfering in the US election
Reality Check: China follows the principle of not interfering in the internal affairs of other countries. If anything, it is some US politicians that capitalize on China-bashing as their election tactics.

23.Allegation: China put restrictions on export of COVID-19 supplies
Reality Check: The purpose of relevant requirement is for better quality control.

24.Allegation: China took discriminatory measures against Africans in China
Reality Check: China's COVID-19 response measures apply to both Chinese and foreigners without discrimination. China follows a zero-tolerance policy on discriminatory words and actions.
So finally we are hearing references in some major Chinese media. Both on CCTV 4 and here at Chinadaily Editorial, we are hearing more and more reference to the two words "Fort Detrick." We need to let the name stick in world history so that future high-school graduates have to memorize this name when they sit for college entrance examinations in China.

China was under KMT rule when Douglas MacArthur was in charge of world affairs in the East Asian theater at the end of WWII. He made decisions regarding the fate of Japanese war criminals such as Shiro Ishii who was commissioned by Emperor Hirohito as the supreme commander of the 731 Troops in Harbin and elsewhere in China, presiding over "medical experiments' on Chinese captives, injecting them with pathogens and noting the effects by cutting them open alive (vivisections).

As the representative of a wartime ally of the Chinese nation, MacArthur should have put Ishii on trial in U.S.-occupied Tokyo and dealt with him as he had dealt with all major Japanese war criminals, 14 of whom would end up being hanged from the gallows as appropriate punishment for their hideous war crimes. But in the case of Ishii, MacArthur failed to do his duties and showed his true colors as an anti-China bigot in his postwar behavior -- with that emblematic cigar clamped between his teeth, he personally pardoned Ishii and appointed him to preside over bioweapons research at Fort Detrick after securing the vivisection data on Chinese captives from Ishii, thus trivializing the inviolability of Chinese lives -- an unforgivable crime itself since China was America's WWII ally.

Would MacArthur have encouraged a gang of rapists to take pictures of his violated wife or sister in compromised positions, cut them into pieces, and sold their body parts to a crime syndicate for further gruesome "research" into every crevice of their mutilated bodies? That kind of sadistic and bigoted attitude belittling Chinese lives is the same kind of cowardly derelicts in American society today -- the same kind of frustrated individuals who can easily be influenced by Trump's relentless one-liner attacks on China. In other words, Donald Trump is Douglas MacArthur's zombie and inheritor of his spiritual legacy.

And combine that with the leak that led to Fort Detrick closure in July 2019, after which pneumonia cases suddenly popped up in the neighboring states surrounding Maryland, and subsequent events detailed by CDC chief Dr. Robert Redfield himself in the Congressional hearings showed that the so-called "flu epidemic" in August and September 2019 and the so-called vape-smoking pneumonia cases, as well as the disclosure that the top brass of Wall Street investors had been tipped off to sell all their stocks before the four meltdowns, plus myriad other evidence, all point to a top-down cover-up scheme from the dishonest White House realtor-occupant.

If you come to think of it, you'll find that the country we called America during George Washington (with his simple honesty about the cut tree)'s time was actually stronger than Trump's America even though the aggregate strengths of the two aren't comparable. When you try to use one lie to cover another lie and treat all non-realtors as fools, your credibility is totally lost because you might be able to fool some people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time. The Blame-Game farce has hastened the decline of the superpower held hostage by a crook who promised to make it great again. Now we all know what his vista of "greatness" meant -- it was his mean-spirited determination to revive the art of the deal -- which was to cheat, steal and lie (in his lackey Pompeo's own words) to benefit only one party (not even his own country as was shown by his marketing hydroxychloroquine in which his family and cronies had financial interests) from the White House podium) at the cost of harming everyone else (e.g. abruptly cutting off funds from the WHO).

Finally, if you know someone who's going to the Two Sessions on May 21 2020, please do the world and China a favor -- ask him to talk to the other attendees about the historical importance to stress the two words "Fort Detrick" in front of the world's cameras and be brave about it -- future generations need to know this place and its symbolic importance on first, how Chinese lives had been trivialized through the hiring of Shiro Ishii to head the bioweapons research lab at the Fort after gruesome data on vivisections of Chinese victims at Harbin had been procured by our American allies in WWII, and second, on its significance in the coverup of the leak details during the 2019 COVID-19 pandemic.

Thank you.

And here's from today's CD editorial (note the two words "Fort Detrick"):

Instead of focusing on fighting the novel coronavirus pandemic at home and saving more lives, a number of US politicians, such as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and US State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortagus, have been busy trying to promote the presumption that China is to blame for the pandemic.

The US Republican Party has even established a task force that it claims will investigate China's role in the spread of the coronavirus, a smoke-and-mirror trick that is aimed at creating the impression China bears responsibility for the tragic mess the US has made of its response to the pandemic.

By trying to pin a tag of guilt on China as the origin of the coronavirus, especially by pointing a conspiracy-orchestrating finger at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the US administration is desperately trying to avoid shouldering its responsibility for what has been a disastrously delayed and ineffective response to the pandemic.

These false accusers are well aware that the countries which first report the outbreak of a new disease are often not the source. The US, for instance, reported the first human immunodeficiency virus infections although the origin of the outbreak has been traced elsewhere.

But the US is not only trying to deflect criticism at home by trying to create the presumption that China is guilty of wrongdoing or negligence, it is also trying to dodge some pertinent questions that could be asked of it.

Such as, what are the circumstances surrounding its shutting down of the army biological warfare lab at Fort Detrick in Maryland last year? Was the laboratory conducting research on coronaviruses? Was there a leak?

And when did the first novel coronavirus infection appear in the US? US media reports indicate the first confirmed case in the US could be much earlier than it has indicated. For example, Michael Melham, the mayor of Belleville, New Jersey, said he was infected last November.

And despite being the world's largest economy with abundant medical resources and the most advanced medical technologies, the US has the largest number of confirmed infections and coronavirus-related deaths. How has that happened?

Also, the world has good reason to ask why at such a critical moment when international cooperation is so badly needed to combat the pandemic, the US suddenly suspended its funding to the World Health Organization? And why did the US refuse to participate in last week's online conference aimed at raising funds for the financing of vaccine research?

The US is posing questions so as to tar China with suspicion and blame, but until science answers the question of the origin of the novel coronavirus and what lessons should be learned from the pandemic, suspicion and blame also stick to the US.

It is morally repugnant that those US politicians engaging in such insalubrious mudslinging are actually exploiting the US administration's flawed response to US coronavirus and the misfortune it has caused in order to vilify China.

The situation in the US should remind Washington that even though it regards Beijing as a rival there ought to be a basic level of mutual trust so that they can respond to common threats.
To repeat: we want to promote China-Japan-US friendship if we can, but this friendship must be based on mutual respect which in turn relies upon whether we can reach a consensus to demystify Fort Detrick.

Just as the Chinadaily editorial on 5-11-2020 suggested, we need to find out the truth (no more lies!) about Fort Detrick's leak which led to its closure in July 2019, supported by verifiable documentation from the CDC about the aftermath of the leak -- including but not limited to the coronavirus infection cases that were wrongfully attributed to other causes such as flu, vape smoke etc. in Maryland's surrounding states.

Since Washington D.C. is only half an hour's drive away from Baltimore, Maryland, the rapid development of COVID-19 cases in the White House couldn't have come about if the area has not had a relatively long history of saturated coronavirus infections. So it is fruitless for Trump and his rogue team to try to run for cover in the face of media bombardment of their Big Lie Headquarters both inside and outside the Beltway。It might take us some time but we will get the information we needin due course.

Listen up you rogues if you still have a residual trace of decency left in you:

Start acting like real men, and not like stooges wearing adult diapers. Step up to the plate and come clean once for crying out loud about what happened at Fort Detrick.

Come on don't cry; just own up to the truth. Here's a soft tissue for your tears.

Chinese vivisection victims deserve posthumous honor and compensation for their sacrifice at the hands of dastardly brutes. We should commemorate the vivisection victims at Harbin through total rejection of the lies associated with Fort Detrick since the end of WWII up to this very moment.

We want the Americans to come clean and tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the leak at Fort Detrick that led to its closure in July 2019, and the CDC data on the coronavirus infections in the Fort's neighboring states in the months that follow the leak. We will not rest until the truth surrounding the deal reached between MacArthur and Ishii, as well as the cover-up on the COVID-19 pandemic, are resolved to our satisfaction. Willy-nilly, and no matter how long it will take us, we will get the information we want in due course.

We are not out for vengeance, but we will make sure that anyone that tries to trivialize the inviolability of Chinese lives will henceforth be unforgiven.

P.S. You have been forewarned!

A friend has just informed me that the latest news is that Republican Senator Lindsey Graham is proposing a bill that will allow Donald Trump to impose sweeping sanctions on China for not allowing the US and its allies to enter the Wuhan Labs to investigate the origins of the pandemic outbreak, and our side is still largely silent and not counter-attacking them even as a well-known political consultant had just referred to Fort Detrick and 731 in CCTV-4's "World Opinion Forum" program.

Stop being passive. We need to counter-attack using the issue of Fort Detrick and 731.

My friend makes the following comment:

China is on the defensive all this while. As the Chinese saying goes, " 此地无银三百两 ", meaning "the more you try to defend yourself, the more you expose yourself." Instead of staying on the defensive, China has no choice but to go on the offensive this time. It should launch a counterattack by threatening to impose sanctions on the US if it does not allow China and Russia to enter all US labs for probing into the origins of the pandemic outbreak.

I have to say a few words here because there has been some very disturbing news lately.

First, a leading Chinese epidemiologist has agreed to accept cooperation offers with some Americans (including researchers from Harvard University) to develop a vaccine against COVID-19. The Americans want to do this because the epidemiologist has unique access to all the data concerning coronavirus strains in China. I am concerned that at this juncture Chinese doctors are so politically naïve that they can easily fall into a trap set for them under the guise of "cooperation" that would eventually do harm to China.

Do you really believe that at the end of the day the Americans would not go to a U.S. court and try to claim monopoly rights or at least take the lion's share of the profits? We are talking about a market value of trillions and trillions of dollars, which is why the Americans would not join a global venture under the guiding auspices of the WHO, or to invest in a globally-shared vaccine because it can smell blood from afar and is eyeing the big vaccine pie entirely from a commercial standpoint, while the Chinese and others are eyeing the health prospects of the global community and thinking of the vaccine not as a commercial or strategic weapon, but as something similar to a smallpox vaccine.

Do you actually believe that a country that illegally grabbed or seized COVID-19-related medical supplies from other nations (e.g. Germany and Italy) would forego the chance to earn trillions of dollars by challenging any contract signed with the epidemiologist in a U.S. court?

Just remember what French pharmaceutical giant Sanofi did -- according to French sources, Americans will likely get Sanofi's expected Covid-19 vaccine before the rest of the world. The company's CEO Hudson said so much via a video link from his home in Paris a few days ago. This has raised a lot of objections from even the French government because not only is Sanofi a French company, Sanofi had received more than $100 million in tax breaks from the French government.

And compared to France, China is in a much more precarious position if she chooses to allow bilateral cooperative programs to go ahead on the COVID-19 vaccine. The Americans need our information because the strains of coronavirus are different, and our data is vital to them for developing a vaccine with universal applicability. The major difference is that no matter what the rest of the world thinks and says, the Americans want to monopolize it commercially and are willing to back their lucrative claim by force.

Understand that what the epidemiologist owns is not his personal property but intellectual and material properties of the Chinese nation -- resulting from the arduous struggle against the COVID-19 virus mainly in the first half of 2020. Also note the fact that his son has ongoing cooperative projects with Harvard before the COVID-19 pandemic and his son-in-law is a white American, and all these factors complicate the situation -- to say the least.

So to repeat -- at a time when such a vaccine will be of tremendous commercial value around the world due to its economic impact on all countries, any cooperation with the Americans using Chinese data should be forbidden by the Chinese government, or else you are looking at many months of litigation in the U.S. courts for exclusive rights to the vaccine, the result of which will only benefit the Americans as can be ascertained from the way they are actively engaged in groundless and frivolous lawsuits against China.

JUST STOP THE COOPERATION WHILE YOU STILL CAN. Repeat: stop the joint venture with the Americans on the vaccine because its political and commercial implications are unlike those with any others. We have more than enough scientific know-how to develop such a vaccine ourselves and not depend on any funding or meddling by the Americans. The epidemiologist is a doctor and not a businessman or a politician – he does not understand what he is getting into or how his deal with the Americans might harm China’s interests.

This is not a trivial matter. Could someone who has access to Beijing please forward this message to the decision-makers.

I am serious.

If we don't get up from our chairs and start a massive counter-attack centering on Fort Detrick and 731, there will be trouble because Goebbels is still alive and his disciples are having a field day pointing fingers and repetitiously spewing forth the same lies a thousand times.

According to the news, a coalition of 62 countries will support an Australia-EU motion calling for an independent probe into the origin of the pandemic outbreak at the WHO meeting today. Meanwhile, Peter Navarro accuses China of sending hundreds of thousands of infected Chinese on aircraft to Milan and around the world for two months last year.

The US is reportedly trying to send our leaders all the way to the International Court of Justice for trial in crimes against humanity. So far our side seems to be tongue-tied -- maybe in fear of uttering something wrong on the spur of the moment, although Trump, Pompeo, Cotton, Rubio, Navarro and other rogue officials keep spewing all sorts of rubbish in their verbal attacks against China. What is the use of urging the US at this point to meet China halfway for a win-win outcome for both sides?

Please wake up.

Or is it -- as they say -- perhaps you cannot awaken someone who is pretending to be asleep? (End text)


N.B. This thread was first posted by wchao37 in the China Daily forum on May 5, 2020.