Trump's attempted assassin was clearly visible in a Ukraine AP photo that BlackRock claimed was not used in one of their ads

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
Writing books is not in any way illegal.\
But apparently the FBI or whoever did not read the book, and did not simply pay the guy a visit and confiscate his firearms.
It does not matter what connection there is between Black Rock and the alleged wannabe shooter.
Anyone who attempts an assassination clearly is crazy and has some sort of death wish, it does not matter who supports them. This guy was living out of his car. He should have been disarmed before he had a chance to attempt an assassination.
Your post makes no damn sense and proves nothing.

What does that mean "operating"?

Blackrock is a mutual fund company.
BlackRock advised key investrors to dump massive shares of Trump media stock days before the 1st assassination attempt by a young man with curious connections to BlackRock.
BlackRock advised key investrors to dump massive shares of Trump media stock days before the 1st assassination attempt by a young man with curious connections to BlackRock.
Anyone who owns stock in Truth Social is a dolt. Anyone who invests in any company that makes no profits and no way of ever making any is a fool. Who are those "key investors", pray tell? What do you, a fanatical fundie loser know about the stock market?