trump the wuss cancels interview when faced with real questions


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2022

Trump pulls out of interview after paper questions his dubious claims about crime rate

Federal data shows the national crime rate has dropped under President Biden

trump is a classic narcicisst cowardly lying bully.

“The Trump campaign had initially agreed that Trump would participate in an interview with The Detroit News on Tuesday,” state politics reporter Craig Mauger wrote. “But after the newspaper began asking about the Michigan crime data before the event, a campaign aide said the presidential candidate no longer had time for an interview after the speech.”
At the Howell, Michigan campaign event, Trump claimed there is a “crime wave” going on at levels “nobody has ever seen before.” “The amount of crime that we have is unbelievable,” Trump said, later labeling this perceived rise the “Kamala crime wave.”

he knows he lies, but he also knows his supporters are idiots who will believe everything he says, even though 5 seconds of googling will prove he lies.
