Trump reveals how Los Angeles gets its water


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2024
Canadianriverto LA.webp
Everyone can see that a Mighty Canadian River flows all the way down from British Columbia to Los Angeles. It uses a tunnel to flow under the Columbia River and takes a bridge across the Rogue River.

Don't even mention to Trump where the Russian River starts...

Is Trump an ignorant numbskull when it comes to geography?:ROFLMAO:
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View attachment 16767
Everyone can see that a Mighty Canadian River flows all the way down from British Columbia to Los Angeles. It uses a tunnel to flow under the Columbia River and takes a bridge across the Rogue River.

Don't even mention to Trump where the Russian River starts...

Is Trump an ignorant numbskull when it comes to geography?:ROFLMAO:
The man is a complete ratbag.
Years ago, I read about a plan to divert the Columbia River, which flows from Central BC into the US and forms the border between Oregon and Washington State into the Pacific at Astoria. The idea was to divert the water into Nevada, which is mostly empty desert, and then to hold it there until it could be sent as needed into California.

This looks good on a map, perhaps, but the problem is that Nevada is higher in elevation than Nevada and that central Nevada is an alkali desert, so the water would be also too high in salts to be useful for irrigation.

Water does not flow uphill, it would have to be pumped.
Canada does not control the Columbia or use its water south of the point where it enters the US along the Idaho/Washington border.

If irrigating with Columbia River water were a great idea, someone would have used it to irrigate western and central Oregon already.

it is safe to say that if Trump were president, nothing would be done about this somewhat silly plan.
View attachment 16767
Everyone can see that a Mighty Canadian River flows all the way down from British Columbia to Los Angeles. It uses a tunnel to flow under the Columbia River and takes a bridge across the Rogue River.

Don't even mention to Trump where the Russian River starts...

Is Trump an ignorant numbskull when it comes to geography?:ROFLMAO:
And where do you think LA gets most of its water from ,
419 mi
Total length 419 mi (674 km) Diameter 12 ft (3.7 m)
The river which starts in CANADA flows to the usa and its about 10000 miles drive to it now sure how much it would cost but it could be done . What's joe and giggles plan .

when aqua duct was built in the 60s they paid for it with a 1,75 billion dollar bond .
IM sure the cost to go to the Columbia river which our liberal PhD teacher seemed to not know stated in Canada and is a major river.
Yep it would be very expensive I estimate 1. with inflation I base this on a 926 percent inflation .1852,000,000,000. had they did this in 1960 they would have all the water they cold use . but they didn't look far enough into future need. now 6hats a bunch of money and w0uld take time to buy land and design and build but it is possible .California s set to lose 20 percent to its water over the next few years . This leaves another option a water distillation plants.
la uses about 300 million gallons a day , the plants and it would take a lot of them cost around 12 million per million gall of out put .
so to meet their needs it would cost about 3,600,,000.000 but thats gust to meet current needs.
LA gets its water from the Owens River that starts in the Sierra of Northern California and several other sources. NONE comes from Canada.

LA water.webp
Years ago, I read about a plan to divert the Columbia River, which flows from Central BC into the US and forms the border between Oregon and Washington State into the Pacific at Astoria. The idea was to divert the water into Nevada, which is mostly empty desert, and then to hold it there until it could be sent as needed into California.

This looks good on a map, perhaps, but the problem is that Nevada is higher in elevation than Nevada and that central Nevada is an alkali desert, so the water would be also too high in salts to be useful for irrigation.

Water does not flow uphill, it would have to be pumped.
Canada does not control the Columbia or use its water south of the point where it enters the US along the Idaho/Washington border.

If irrigating with Columbia River water were a great idea, someone would have used it to irrigate western and central Oregon already.

it is safe to say that if Trump were president, nothing would be done about this somewhat silly plan.
Well we should wait for mark to post. I'm.sure his personal relationship with h
God could get it to flow up hill. After all he parted the seas.
I have read the Bible a couple of times, and do not recall of any instance where "God" causes water to flow uphill. There wqas that trick where Moses, played by Charlton Heston, parted the Red Sea for a spell, but after EXHAUSTIVE research by Israeli archeologists, there is no evidence that any tribe of people as large as described in the Bible were ever
slaves in Egypt or managed to outrun Pharoah's army.
Trump is a moooron
But he appeals to republican mooorons
He read some silly speculative story in the NY Post about a vast water project. I think there was a discussion of this in one or more issues of the Whole Earth Catalog.

It is a speculation similar to those stories in Popular Mechanix and Popular Science about how we all would be fluttering about in out autogiros by 1970. Or driving on rubber roads with steel wheels.