So far I have heard no economist say that the plan will work as the Repugnant ones say it will. But, the wealthy will be happy. It is just the poor, and the sick, that will suffer:
"People of decency and common sense have been under siege for the past year. Every time we think we can take a breath, relax and enjoy a moment free of dread and anxiety, the so-called-president reaches into his bag of dirty tricks and attacks again.
It is not enough that the Republican tax bill threatens to irreparably damage the middle class in obsequious service to four or five profiteering families, it’s designed to slash Medicare and Medicaid and create a black hole of $1.5 trillion in the deficit.
The president has pushed Congress to take an ax to the tax bill and kill the subsidies that allow my son to live.
I don’t exaggerate. My son’s health issues are such that if our family took on the burden of his prescription costs, it would soon break us. My family is not alone in this nightmare of health care fear and distress. We were relieved beyond measure when Obamacare made subsides available and the Oregon Health Plan became our lifeline."
"The majority argues these tax cuts for millionaires, billionaires, and businesses will eventually trickle down to the middle class, justifying their slash-and-burn budget. But history and research have shown us that trickle-down economics never actually trickles down, and the wealth simply becomes more and more concentrated among the top. If Congress actually wanted to create a plan to help the middle class, why not skip the trickle-down step and rely solely instead on tax tools proven to boost the middle class, like expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit and keeping critical programs like Medicare and Medicaid in place? Millennials distrust institutions at unprecedented levels—and it’s no wonder why when pieces of legislation like these pose as tools to help low- and middle-income Americans but are actually only interested in one thing: lining the pockets of America’s wealthiest. Millennials see right through the congressional GOP’s tax and budget plans, which will do nothing but hurt our generation."