Trump has opened America’s door to extremist and divisive forces


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
1. .... it’s hard to deny now that Donald Trump’s tenure was the start of something—that this cunning and vicious clown opened the door to a place deep and dark, and that others might soon walk through it. He is one of history’s great vandals, but not the first of his kind.

....Trump’s appeal was rooted in racist backlash and resentment of the Other, but he could not have made it as far as he did if so many Americans did not believe the system was fundamentally rigged against them, and if they were not plainly correct.

......The door is open now, and in the Information Age, events that in Caesar’s time might have occupied a great, sweeping chunk of human history have been condensed into a few years, months, days, hours. It may only take one more ambitious politician who’s learned all the wrong lessons from Donald Trump to drag us all into the darkness. The task that falls to Joe Biden is clear, if not simple: break down the runaway power of capital and monopoly while materially improving the lives of working people, all in four years. It’s hard work staying out of the abyss.


2. ....The Republican Party of Texas on Friday evening issued a statement raising the far-fetched possibility of secession. “Perhaps law-abiding states should bond together and form a Union of states that will abide by the constitution,” said party chairman Allen West, the former Florida congressman....

Trump’s repetition of election-related falsehoods and conspiracy theories has taken hold among far-right media and much of his base. Many Republican voters in several states won by Biden have demanded that their elected officials find a way to invalidate the president-elect’s victories.

Even though the court’s action seemed to be the end of the road for Trump’s legal fights about the 2020 election results, the president’s efforts may have a destabilizing effect long after he leaves office...

“Some litigation may continue, but it will not change election results,” said Rick Hasen, a law professor at the University of California, Irvine. “The delegitimization of the Biden presidency by Trump, and of elections generally, will reverberate for years to come. And that’s a real tragedy.”


3. During his tenure as president of the United States (January 20, 2017–January 20, 2021), Donald Trump granted executive clemency to 237 individuals charged or convicted of federal criminal offenses, using his clemency power under Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution. The divinity cult master is not trying to prove his claim that he is really the Messiah with a merciful and benevolent heart. Those criminals released by him are his "generals" and "warriors" who will help win back his "lost crown" in the power struggle with his successor.

Although Rex Tillerson called Trump a "f*cking *****", the "Me First" ex-president is not totally out of his mind. Instead, he does not mince his words, claiming Biden is “the weakest mentally" or "mentally shot", and would "destroy the country" if elected on November 3. If the scumbag really believes what he claims, he would definitely go all out to subvert the new administration and make a comeback in 2024.

To the scumbag, a "strong leader" means ruthlessly and aggressively pursuing his own interests and agendas at the expense of others, even the country. Instead of claiming to be the Messiah, the divinity cult master should have claimed to be a civil war leader in a previous incarnation. Years before and during his presidency, the "con artist" ex-president had woken the extremist and divisive forces of white supremacy, and opened a door to them. It needs a strong, tough and decisive leader like Abraham Lincoln to close it in order to end the so-called "uncivil war" in the beleaguered nation.

Additional Reference:*****
reedak, Biden's speaking gaffes are well documented. He has said millions when the correct quantity is thousands. He has read his teleprompters wrong. If he cant read a teleprompter then his mind is slipping.
I call him Dementia Joe. My mother died of Alzheimers and I saw her mind slip away a little at a time. Her ability to have a conversation disappeared. We were forced to take away her car. She said the wrong thing at the wrong time. Biden's gaffes reminded me a lot of my mother's final days.
If Biden confuses thousands with millions is he competent to manage our finances?
You might want to check out what the NYTimes says about Trump. This very liberal rag says Trump's economy is way better than Dementia Joe's.
Wally, Biden's shutdown of the Keystone Pipeline will cost jobs in Canada and the US. His decision to suspend oil leases has already damaged income to native Americans and generated a ton of negative response in New Mexico. And his imigration policy will take jobs away from Americans.
My source for these is the NYTimes and my own ability to reason. I didn't compare Biden's screw ups to Trump. The NY Times did that.
You might want to check out what the NYTimes says about Trump. This very liberal rag says Trump's economy is way better than Dementia Joe's.
Then, you might also want check-out what Bloomberg says:
December 20, 2021 - "U.S. financial markets are outperforming the world by the biggest margin in the 21st century, and with good reason: America’s economy improved more in Joe Biden's first 12 months than any president during the past 50 years notwithstanding the contrary media narrative contributing to dour public opinion."
Wally, Biden's shutdown of the Keystone Pipeline will cost jobs in Canada and the US. His decision to suspend oil leases has already damaged income to native Americans and generated a ton of negative response in New Mexico. And his imigration policy will take jobs away from Americans.

.....And, that sludge would merely be pumped to the boys, in Houston, where any-and-all products will be shipped offshore....where there's no risk of dealing with pipeline-leaks.
When you can't "get it up, anymore", you've gotta find something to entertain yourself!!!

GOP Backlash Over Cawthorn Grows
March 18, 2022
"Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina, who has not been shy about calling out his colleagues after voting to impeach former President Donald Trump last year, was even more pointed in his criticism.

"Madison Cawthorn has said he is here for PR and not legislating. I don't think he's a serious legislator," Rice told CNN. "I think he's more interested in throwing bombs than he is in actually trying to help the country."