Trump Completely Trashes Autoworkers


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2022
“They get away with murder because they say, ‘Oh yes, we’re building cars.’ They don’t build cars. They take ’em out of a box, and they assemble ’em. We could have our child do it,” Trump added.

Why would Trump belittle autoworkers when Michigan, a battleground state, is home to the American automobile industry? Even with foreign automakers, whose U.S. operations are typically located in less union-friendly Republican-leaning states, autoworkers’ jobs could not be done by a child.

trump is a hateful immature moooron, and you mooorons support him. sad.
“They get away with murder because they say, ‘Oh yes, we’re building cars.’ They don’t build cars. They take ’em out of a box, and they assemble ’em. We could have our child do it,” Trump added.

Why would Trump belittle autoworkers when Michigan, a battleground state, is home to the American automobile industry? Even with foreign automakers, whose U.S. operations are typically located in less union-friendly Republican-leaning states, autoworkers’ jobs could not be done by a child.

trump is a hateful immature moooron, and you mooorons support him. sad.
Kackles and Tiny Tim keep attacking Trump and falsely accusing him of all sorts of fake evils in their desire to come back from behind.
Stop spreading misrepresentations of what Trump said.
Trump said a child could assemble cars from pieces taken out of boxes.
That is absurd. Autoworkers use some of the most sophisticated robotic devices available.
Trump would abolish all unions if he had a chance to do so.
Trump said a child could assemble cars from pieces taken out of boxes.
That is absurd. Autoworkers use some of the most sophisticated robotic devices available.
Trump would abolish all unions if he had a chance to do so.
Wild leftist chicken little liars are infamous for making all sorts of stupid false alarmist claims.
Your misrepresentation of his meaning is an exact lie.
You make zero sense.

Trump gave a speech in Detroit in which he badmouths Detroit and says all the country will be as awful as Detroit unless his sorry ass is elected.

Trump hates unions, he hates autoworkers and workers of all types. He hires workers and then has refused to pay them again and again.
You make zero sense.

Trump gave a speech in Detroit in which he badmouths Detroit and says all the country will be as awful as Detroit unless his sorry ass is elected.

Trump hates unions, he hates autoworkers and workers of all types. He hires workers and then has refused to pay them again and again.
Why should it surprise you that Trump speaks evil of those who speak evil of him?
guys assembling cars speak evil of trump? lol.
the city of detroit spoke evil about trump? lol
you say the dumbest things
Democrats not only speak evil of Trump they claim he is a threat to America and Americans who needs to be put down one way or another, like Biden said, Trump needs to be targeted.
He is a threat by being a hateful anti-American
Of course. That is what democrats claim. That is why Biden put a target on him and dummass democrat bootlicks are trying to kill him.

AOC and other fearful democrats may have imagined unarmed peaceful republicans in the building next door were trying to kill them on Jan 6 but loaded weapons of war-toting leftist maggots really have tried to kill conservatives like Scalise, Kavanaugh, Rand Paul, and Trump.