Tomorrow--We Replace The Lid--Tightly--On Pandora's Box

Johnny Tremain

Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2012
(Not the good Pandora--who contributes here.)

But--the Pandora's Box of Liberalism--filled with all manner of insanity--beyond anything normal people can imagine.

Barack "Caligula" Obama has brought this to our doorsteps.

Put the bad genie back in the bottle.
Remove the Fifth Columnists who have infiltrated our government--and prosecute those who put them in this position.

There is much to be learned about the entire Obama Debacle.

THERE IS--MUCH--to be uncovered.
And--we shall learn it. In time.
And we shall learn about Mr. Eric Holder as well.
what you say almost sounds right!

Let me quote one thing and then edit it to be fully correct.

But--the Pandora's Box of Liberalism--filled with all manner of insanity--beyond anything normal people can imagine.

the more accurate way to say that would be ...
But--the Pandora's Box of American politics is filled with all manner of insanity--beyond anything MOST normal people can imagine.​
Sure Obama is way to far into social endowments - but so are the Republican's.

1) Democrats are more or less for Social entitlements (aka Socialism) which is a crutch for those who need an excuse to no try harder.

2) Republicans are more or less for Corporate entitlements (aka Globalism) which grants corporations tax payer swindled assistance to move over seas and support OTHER countries

3) Libertarians are more or less for Moral entitlements (aka *%&# - self bleeped) which grants people an open season to infest a GREAT idea with their own (immoral as I see it) agenda. American values are way to weak to make this function safely for a productive society - it can disintegrate way too fast.
Final Swing States Poll: 48%-48%

The final swing states poll by USA Today/Gallup shows that the race is a tie in key swing states and the enthusiasm gap between Obama voters and GOP voters will be a determining factor and the low youth voter turnout compared to 2008 could hurt Obama at the polls and Latino voters in those swing states are less enthusiastic about re-electing Obama and the 2008 turnout model used by polling firms could be entirely wrong.
It would be nice that this Obama experience could be "locked up", but I don't believe that will happen, now that they have the "formula" for running a popular Presidential candidate. Clinton was another one.

They will just get slicker and more deceptive, and dumb down their supporters even more. The sooner conservatives figure that, the better off they will be on picking a candidate.
(Not the good Pandora--who contributes here.)

But--the Pandora's Box of Liberalism--filled with all manner of insanity--beyond anything normal people can imagine.

Barack "Caligula" Obama has brought this to our doorsteps.

Put the bad genie back in the bottle.
Remove the Fifth Columnists who have infiltrated our government--and prosecute those who put them in this position.

There is much to be learned about the entire Obama Debacle.

THERE IS--MUCH--to be uncovered.
And--we shall learn it. In time.
And we shall learn about Mr. Eric Holder as well.

So. . .how do you feel!
I guess you won't be able to replace a lid on any Pandora. . .except maybe the "good Pandora" in this forum.

Enjoy! A glass of champagne tastes delicious just before midnight today, while waiting for President Obama's acceptance speech!

God is good! He is NOT a flip flopper like your android idol. . .
So. . .how do you feel!
I guess you won't be able to replace a lid on any Pandora. . .except maybe the "good Pandora" in this forum.

Enjoy! A glass of champagne tastes delicious just before midnight today, while waiting for President Obama's acceptance speech!

God is good! He is NOT a flip flopper like your android idol. . .

I'll have to settle for a glass or two of whiskey, and then to bed. No good news to celebrate.

Romney seems to be contesting the Ohio result -- and I think Obama will give him a little time to concede before giving his speech -- so we might be up awhile longer for that.
I'll have to settle for a glass or two of whiskey, and then to bed. No good news to celebrate.

Romney seems to be contesting the Ohio result -- and I think Obama will give him a little time to concede before giving his speech -- so we might be up awhile longer for that.

EVEN IF Ohio should go to Romney. . .it wouldn't give him 270 electoral votes.

But I agree that Ohio may take some time to get resolved. . .still, I am too exited to go to sleep right now. I want to celebrate.
Enjoy your whisky. You're one of the good, decent guys in this forum.

Maybe, just maybe, you will take sometime to consider what happened and why.
Maybe you might even read again some of the very old posts, and all the hatred that was spewed in this forum (and several others) toward this ONE MAN who had been legally elected as our President.

And maybe you will gain some respect for the liberals who took so much crap, often without replying (obviously, I"m not talking about myself, I generally do not stay down when I'm being kicked!), and just became "silent," but not stupid, and just kept their faith in the goodness of this man.

I expect that a lot more crap will be thrown at President Obama in the next four years, but NOTHING CAN EVER TAKE AWAY THE FACT that the extreme republicans who made their primary goal to make President Obama fail, no matter what, no matter if it hurt (and it did!) the country . . .THEY HAVE FAILED!

I wish I could believe that reasonable, intelligent Republicans like yourself will learn from their mistake, and will place the wellbeing of their country above their hatred for President Obama and liberals in general. . .but I don't have much hope!

I think, maybe you should look seriously at Governor Christie's attitude. HE may be the future of your party, because HE IS HONEST and not afraid to place his integrity above partisanship.

I must say that, when 2016 comes around, I will take a very good, very long look at Governor Christie, and his attitude in the next four years, and if I like what I see, I wouldn't be surprise if I voted REPUBLICAN to bring him to the White House.
EVEN IF Ohio should go to Romney. . .it wouldn't give him 270 electoral votes.

But I agree that Ohio may take some time to get resolved. . .still, I am too exited to go to sleep right now. I want to celebrate.
Enjoy your whisky. You're one of the good, decent guys in this forum.

Maybe, just maybe, you will take sometime to consider what happened and why.
Maybe you might even read again some of the very old posts, and all the hatred that was spewed in this forum (and several others) toward this ONE MAN who had been legally elected as our President.

And maybe you will gain some respect for the liberals who took so much crap, often without replying (obviously, I"m not talking about myself, I generally do not stay down when I'm being kicked!), and just became "silent," but not stupid, and just kept their faith in the goodness of this man.

I expect that a lot more crap will be thrown at President Obama in the next four years, but NOTHING CAN EVER TAKE AWAY THE FACT that the extreme republicans who made their primary goal to make President Obama fail, no matter what, no matter if it hurt (and it did!) the country . . .THEY HAVE FAILED!

I wish I could believe that reasonable, intelligent Republicans like yourself will learn from their mistake, and will place the wellbeing of their country above their hatred for President Obama and liberals in general. . .but I don't have much hope!

I think, maybe you should look seriously at Governor Christie's attitude. HE may be the future of your party, because HE IS HONEST and not afraid to place his integrity above partisanship.

I must say that, when 2016 comes around, I will take a very good, very long look at Governor Christie, and his attitude in the next four years, and if I like what I see, I wouldn't be surprise if I voted REPUBLICAN to bring him to the White House.
I congratulate Obama. He has stood up well I do not think he is even a liberal by our standards in Australia. Many commentators here also think Christie will be the next Republican candidate. At least he knows how to get on with people on the other side
EVEN IF Ohio should go to Romney. . .it wouldn't give him 270 electoral votes.

But I agree that Ohio may take some time to get resolved. . .still, I am too exited to go to sleep right now. I want to celebrate.
Enjoy your whisky. You're one of the good, decent guys in this forum.

Maybe, just maybe, you will take sometime to consider what happened and why.
Maybe you might even read again some of the very old posts, and all the hatred that was spewed in this forum (and several others) toward this ONE MAN who had been legally elected as our President.

And maybe you will gain some respect for the liberals who took so much crap, often without replying (obviously, I"m not talking about myself, I generally do not stay down when I'm being kicked!), and just became "silent," but not stupid, and just kept their faith in the goodness of this man.

I expect that a lot more crap will be thrown at President Obama in the next four years, but NOTHING CAN EVER TAKE AWAY THE FACT that the extreme republicans who made their primary goal to make President Obama fail, no matter what, no matter if it hurt (and it did!) the country . . .THEY HAVE FAILED!

Certainly both sides take a lot of crap from the other -- but I think a lot of that is just politics. As for President Obama taking crap -- he certainly has, fairly and unfairly, but that sort of seems like it comes with the job description of being President.

At the end of the day, the country spoke, and Obama gets four more years.

I wish I could believe that reasonable, intelligent Republicans like yourself will learn from their mistake, and will place the wellbeing of their country above their hatred for President Obama and liberals in general. . .but I don't have much hope!

This is exactly the issue I was thinking about in posts to another member. I feel the far right of the party has hijacked the discussion, and poisoned the well so to speak on the brand. It is not that Republicans are all crazy and don't have any good ideas -- it is that the moderate majority of the party has allowed itself to be hijacked by the far right -- and the outcome is clear I think in many Senate races all over the country. We nominate extremists, and we get hammered in the general election.

I think, maybe you should look seriously at Governor Christie's attitude. HE may be the future of your party, because HE IS HONEST and not afraid to place his integrity above partisanship.

I must say that, when 2016 comes around, I will take a very good, very long look at Governor Christie, and his attitude in the next four years, and if I like what I see, I wouldn't be surprise if I voted REPUBLICAN to bring him to the White House.

Perhaps, I could see him running, but I can't see him winning. We shall see.