To any right winger


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2008
land of 10,000 lakes and 2 senators again
Can anyone tell me what makse this VP pick good? I have no idea who she is, sounds I cant imagine she has done much in alaska in 2 years, I mean its alaska its hardly a real state ( yes that dig was at a poster here lol)

Seems like she won over about 100 more qualified people so what makes her special outside she is a woman?
Can anyone tell me what makse this VP pick good? I have no idea who she is, sounds I cant imagine she has done much in alaska in 2 years, I mean its alaska its hardly a real state ( yes that dig was at a poster here lol)

Seems like she won over about 100 more qualified people so what makes her special outside she is a woman?

Qualified is a relative term. To me qualified is staying true to the Constitution, following the law, and supporting moral laws and being an acceptable role model. That would cut down your 100 more qualified real fast, in my view.

Beyond that, who knows. She has about the same experience Obama, Bush and B. Clinton had going into the election. Maybe they are banking on the fact she doesn't have enough history to be attacked. Maybe McCain just likes her. I don't know. I'm not even sure it really makes that large of a difference.

Perhaps that is the main thing. Perhaps he chose her because he trusted she will not become a lighting rod. I honestly believe that Biden is going to be a lighting rod. All in all, Kerry's pick of John Edwards was a horrible joke. He was completely thrashed by Cheney, and by such a massive amount, it was laughable. Yet... Kerry still was a very significant opponent. So the VP really don't have that large of a pull in the long run.
Can anyone tell me what makse this VP pick good? I have no idea who she is, sounds I cant imagine she has done much in alaska in 2 years, I mean its alaska its hardly a real state ( yes that dig was at a poster here lol)

Seems like she won over about 100 more qualified people so what makes her special outside she is a woman?

There needed to be someone with Executive experience and she has more than all three of the men. Not that I should have to point it out but... from what I have been seeing and hearing about her and her record; race, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation etc. have no bearing on my support. I would support any candidate with such a record.

Palin is considered to have similar policy positions to John McCain in some respects. One exception is drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), which Palin strongly supports and McCain has opposed. Another exception is her belief that global warming is not manmade, contrary to both Obama and McCain.

She looks to be fiscally responsible based on what information I can find. Her Gubernatorial site unfortunately has broken links on my particular areas of interest... namely the ones related to budget and spending.

I like what I'm seeing about her but I would feel even better to fact check her fiscal record and find exactly what reforms she made to the Ethics Laws. Until then, I have no reason to believe what I'm hearing is false since I REALLY doubt McCain would be dumb enough to bring in a VP that made fraudulent claims about her record. McCain and his team has vetted her, now the Media get to put her under the microscope....

And its really a shame that she has to suffer through the character attacks already. When Obama chose Biden I thought he made a good decision and said so, my only dislikes of Biden are entirely policy related. I do have problems with Obama's character but thats equally true for McCain who I've also been critical of...

McCains pick has certainly served to strip votes away from Barr. As much as I like Barr, I dislike Obama far more and McCain has finally given me a reason to have some faith that he could have a better administration.
Can anyone tell me what makse this VP pick good? I have no idea who she is, sounds I cant imagine she has done much in alaska in 2 years, I mean its alaska its hardly a real state ( yes that dig was at a poster here lol)

Seems like she won over about 100 more qualified people so what makes her special outside she is a woman?

First and foremost, executive experience, which is something that NONE of the Democrats have. McCain has some executive experience, as Commander of a training squadron after his return from Vietnam, but that's been a long time ago. Neither Obama or Biden have any executive experience of any measure.

She's shown a clear propensity for calling BS on wasteful spending, corruption, and downright stupidity, even if it's in her own party, which is something that this country SORELY needs.

She's been a long time proponant of energy independence, and using our own resources, including accessing all of the oil reserves in Alaska, including ANWAR.
Since when did libs worry about qualifications?? Your candidate is OBAMA - remember??? Duhhhhhhh..........

Thank you Libsmasher for pointing out the elephant in the living room..


Bottom line Palin was pure McSame genius. Obama is screwed.
First and foremost, executive experience, which is something that NONE of the Democrats have. McCain has some executive experience, as Commander of a training squadron after his return from Vietnam, but that's been a long time ago. Neither Obama or Biden have any executive experience of any measure.

She's shown a clear propensity for calling BS on wasteful spending, corruption, and downright stupidity, even if it's in her own party, which is something that this country SORELY needs.

She's been a long time proponant of energy independence, and using our own resources, including accessing all of the oil reserves in Alaska, including ANWAR.

I was told she is against Anwar, also if it was for her executive experiance, would not Pawlenty or Mitt been better choices? Calling out her own party for spending is good, but question if something happened and she was in teh seat, would she be able to do anything about it?

I guess given the attacks on Obama who I have said from the start I wish had more experiance....It seems odd to say someone with less should be a heart away from the same seat. Im not one of those crying McCain is going to die in office , but to be real, his health is a issue to voters, more so of you are thinking about 8 years vs running for 4 and not running again ( a idea that may or may not have been floated by his party) I would think Mitt or Pawlenty would in in a better position to run for office in 4 years if that happened, even is she had 4 years as VP...

I just I just don't get this pick...nothing against her, just I would not have gone this rout and her record so far leaves a lot of questions.
I just I just don't get this pick...nothing against her, just I would not have gone this rout and her record so far leaves a lot of questions.

This article might answer that:

"A spectre is haunting the liberal elites of New York and Washington--the spectre of a young, attractive, unapologetic conservatism, rising out of the American countryside, free of the taint (fair or unfair) of the Bush administration and the recent Republican Congress, able to invigorate a McCain administration and to govern beyond it.

That spectre has a name--Sarah Palin, the 44-year-old governor of Alaska chosen by John McCain on Friday to be his running mate. There she is: a working woman who's a proud wife and mother; a traditionalist in important matters who's broken through all kinds of barriers; a reformer who's a Republican; a challenger of a corrupt good-old-boy establishment who's a conservative; a successful woman whose life is unapologetically grounded in religious belief; a lady who's a leader."

Also it reinforces McCaines image as a maverick - not just a copy of George Bush which seems to be Obama's major attack. This reafirms that McCain is his own man who makes his own decisions and risks.
I was told she is against Anwar, also if it was for her executive experiance, would not Pawlenty or Mitt been better choices?

I don't know where you got the idea that she was against opening up ANWAR, everything I've read or heard indicates that she's always supported opening it up ASAP! Frankly, almost everyone I know in Alaska want's ANWAR opened up, because they know for a fact it's nothing but a vast wasteland, and the area that they're talking about drilling in is smaller than LAX (Las Angeles International Airport) in the middle of 20 MILLION acres, and it's so desolate that it's HUNDREDS of miles away from the nearest TREE!

Pawlenty and Romney have the same problem that GHW Bush did, pledging not to raise taxes, and then raising taxes! Increasing 'fees' is the same as raising taxes, and GHW, Mitt, and Paw all reneged on their pledges, and that's a HUGE no-go with Republicans, as well as the rest of the American people.

Calling out her own party for spending is good, but question if something happened and she was in teh seat, would she be able to do anything about it?

The same question can be asked of ANY potential VP. Even your boy Biden, with all of his years in Congress, do you KNOW that he could really make the right decision if the chips were really down? I don't, you don't, nobody does until they're actually faced with that decision, which is why I've always preferred someone with executive experience over a Senator or Rep, because they've HAD to make the hard decisions, and then stand by them, regardless of how they turned out.

I guess given the attacks on Obama who I have said from the start I wish had more experiance....It seems odd to say someone with less should be a heart away from the same seat.

But that's the whole point PFOS, she has MORE experience than Obama, regardless of what the lamestream media would have you think. Experience isn't restricted to Washington experience. In fact, in Washington, where most "experience" comes from "looking busy, but doing nothing" is the watchword of the day, having outsiders coming in is a GOOD THING. If you're satisfied with the way things have been run in Washington for the past 20 years, go right ahead and vote for a Washington insider, but if you want to REALLY see some change, then you need to get someone in there who ISN'T part of the same-old-same-old (and Obama IS part of the same-old-same-old).

Im not one of those crying McCain is going to die in office , but to be real, his health is a issue to voters, more so of you are thinking about 8 years vs running for 4 and not running again ( a idea that may or may not have been floated by his party) I would think Mitt or Pawlenty would in in a better position to run for office in 4 years if that happened, even is she had 4 years as VP...

As I said earlier, Mitt and Tim both have serious issues, IMNSHO, which is why I couldn't support Mitt earlier in the campaign, not the least of which is the fact that he's a "new comer" to Conservatism. As far as worrying about McCain kicking off, it can happen to anyone, at any time, so that's a non-starter. Looking down the road, VP's later going on to be POTUS is rare, so that's also not a "real" issue. IF McCain is elected, and IF Palin does a good job, and IF she also distinguishes herself in that position, she MIGHT be considered for a run in 2012, but that's a whole hell of a lot of "IF'S".

I just I just don't get this pick...nothing against her, just I would not have gone this rout and her record so far leaves a lot of questions.

Actually, it's one of the most astute choices that could have been made. Ask yourself, what is EVERYONE expecting out of the next administration PFOS? CHANGE! McCain has always been a maverick, working across the aisle with Democrats (sometimes a bit more than I've been comfortable with), and he has been a reformer. Palin brings the same no-nonsense approach to fiscal responsibility to the table. She's not afraid to ruffle feathers in the GOP, she's not afraid to call BS...well,...BS, and she's an outsider.

The fact that she's a woman will appeal to the Hitlery faction no doubt, she's never been a big supporter of the War in Iraq (and will probably be even less so now that her own son is headed there), she leads by example, having cut her own salary and cut property taxes by 40% while making it up with a 1/2% voter approved sales tax. As Governor, she's gotten legislation pushed through that has invested $5 Bn in State savings, overhauled their school systems over and above NCLB to make their young people competative in society, provided income assistance to low-income elderly Alaskans, is currently trying to get the States surplus returned to the people of Alaska by way of $1200.00 rebates to help offset the cost of rising fuel costs (which make ours here in the 'lower 48' look like 1979 by comparison), especially given their harsh winters, and has instituted a Climate Change sub-panel to her cabinet.

Hell, except for her lifetime NRA membership and pro-life stance, she's damned near a Democrats "wet dream", and that's not counting the fact that she's just plain HOT!!!
Hey! Thats not FAIR!!!!

The Left has spent good money and lotsa time these last 8 years demonizing Bush... Just look at his poll numbers! Its SOOOO much easier to just say:

McCain=Bush : Bush's 3rd term : Same old Bush Policies : I am a robot :

Do you really expect the Left to switch gears on the propaganda machine?

Its bad enough they never saw this move by McCain coming... He used an unfair tactic, he tricked the Left into thinking he had picked Pawlenty by having him cancel all his appointments! The Machine went into action preparing for the announcement... they were SOOO excited, all the talking points were ready to GO! But McCain had to go and fly in Palin, confusing the media, and it threw off the propaganda machine...

They didn't have much ready to go for a Palin pick by McCain... there were very few negative stories coming from the Media immediately after the confirmation but it didn't take long for the attacks to begin!

They cannot attack her like they can McCain, Palin=Bush, because they know it would never stick... this is the kind of candidate the Rights base has wanted for decades and because she so energizes the base:

The Left has been knocked back on their heels and, while they lash out in all directions scrambling to get back their balance, their attacks will end up hurting them. This is not the Politics of Change being promised, its the same old tactic of slash-and-burn politics, the stuff Obama is supposed to be running against. Instead, he's "The One" passing out Hatchets and Torches.