Threats on Obama's Life have started.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2008
Four people have been arrested in Denver amid fears of a plot to kill Democratic White House hopeful Barack Obama.

source: Yahoo breaking news alert.


With the amount of pathological "hatred" of the dems , blacks that exists in the US..and the propensity to kill their leaders and potential leaders......... Obama's life span might be running the clock.
Four people have been arrested in Denver amid fears of a plot to kill Democratic White House hopeful Barack Obama.

source: Yahoo breaking news alert.


With the amount of pathological "hatred" of the dems , blacks that exists in the US..and the propensity to kill their leaders and potential leaders......... Obama's life span might be running the clock.

Don't tell me about hatred. I've been following politics at least as far back as Reagan, and never have I see anything to remotely compare with the vile, vicious, lies, slurs, insults, and defamation dumped on Bush. The left on the internet has dragged the political discourse down to the lowest possible level over a period of about the last five years. Look at the sewage that pours out day after day from Popeye.

Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.
Don't tell me about hatred. I've been following politics at least as far back as Reagan, and never have I see anything to remotely compare with the vile, vicious, lies, slurs, insults, and defamation dumped on Bush. The left on the internet has dragged the political discourse down to the lowest possible level over a period of about the last five years. Look at the sewage that pours out day after day from Popeye.

Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.

That is true, the media spoke about Reagan as though he were a combo of the anti christ and a crazed old nut ready to push the red button thinking it was the nurse help button. There was no fox news to give you the other side. Every station every day every time demonized Reagan, Hollywierd stars demonized him, made music videos about him and his evil ways. SNL every night did it. There was zero positive publicity for him, and people often threatened to kill him.

Its kind of wierd that there were 3 attempts about Obama, everyone loves him except for 3 talk show hosts and me
Glad to see they stoped them, though sadly I dont think it will be the last time we see this. But its good to see the some here on the right seem to care little about it , saying the left has it coming and then more crying about the media and gushing over Reagan...

I would be interested to find out of there is a malitia connection here, like OK City...from the small details I have heard, it would fit the situation. Maybe even more so after OK City kinda pushed out some of the more moderates from some of the more extream groups.
Glad to see they stoped them, though sadly I dont think it will be the last time we see this. But its good to see the some here on the right seem to care little about it , saying the left has it coming and then more crying about the media and gushing over Reagan...

I would be interested to find out of there is a malitia connection here, like OK City...from the small details I have heard, it would fit the situation. Maybe even more so after OK City kinda pushed out some of the more moderates from some of the more extream groups.

Honestly do you really think that anyone on this site has the prepensity to say "Obama should be buried six feet under." simply based on his ideals? It's borderline offencsive.. I for one .. while disagreeing with his politics as they stand would never deny someone life and liberty simply because I would rather see a better suited canadiate get the POTUS seat based on my ideals.

It really does stream back to a discussion I have had with Gen and further reinforced by Andy with this
Most people don't have time in their busy daily lives to go do an in depth study of socialized health care, or global warming, or nuclear power, or how the oil market works. I've met people in the past week that don't know what either candidate stands on any issue whatsoever.

Here is my point. When the majority of the voting public doesn't know much about any of the topics, it is a natural outcome that the debates will degenerate to "well I don't like him, he sucks" and similar deep comments that you see posted here.

The problem is that ingorance seems to breed hatred. I am starting to think Federal Farmer is right in a need for limiting voting rights to first passing some form of an I.Q. Test or simply limit it based upon other factors... With the internet now playing a giant part in advertizing and ablitiy to back check canadiates voting records... it seems to me you can create a more well informed public and providing all the information upfront in an unbiased manner to those who have shown the commitment to vote on real issues.

As far as the people threating Obama ... they should be locked up for life or at least allow a way to cleanse their genes from our pool. People like this honestly have no right even living in this country and go to show that ignorance and the propensity for violence is the law of the land.
"Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind."

if that is someones responce to attempt to kill Obama,,,,then yea think that maybe they would not care if he was killed. you can say its offensive for to me think that, but I could care less if you think that. And I am not saying they would Wish it would happen...but rather that they dont realy seem to care if it did....

I would hate to see Bush get much as I hate him ( and not just becuse Dick takes over) but becuse I belive even in this demcracy as flawed as it is, we have beter ways of dealing with leaders we dont agree with, and that to see any one of those running or in office cut down, would be a stain on our Democracy and the ideals we all hold.
"Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind."

if that is someones responce to attempt to kill Obama,,,,then yea think that maybe they would not care if he was killed. you can say its offensive for to me think that, but I could care less if you think that. And I am not saying they would Wish it would happen...but rather that they dont realy seem to care if it did....

I would hate to see Bush get much as I hate him ( and not just becuse Dick takes over) but becuse I belive even in this demcracy as flawed as it is, we have beter ways of dealing with leaders we dont agree with, and that to see any one of those running or in office cut down, would be a stain on our Democracy and the ideals we all hold.

OF COURSE I would not want any democratic (lower case "d") leader to be assassinated. My point was that the libs, but especially the internet left, has generated such an unprecedented level of political hatred in the last several years, that I wouldn't be surprised if some nut would be triggered to act. In that case, part of the blame CERTAINLY would belong with the leftwing defamation sites such as and the Huffington Post.
OF COURSE I would not want any democratic (lower case "d") leader to be assassinated. My point was that the libs, but especially the internet left, has generated such an unprecedented level of political hatred in the last several years, that I wouldn't be surprised if some nut would be triggered to act. In that case, part of the blame CERTAINLY would belong with the leftwing defamation sites such as and the Huffington Post.

yea the right has not been full of do reacall he Clinton years right?
Sorta.. was pretty young thou.. however.. never remeber my father screaming at the t.v. in anger at him...

Didn't we obsess over Y2K more then clinton?

the right was so insane in there 8 years of attacks I sepent alot of those 8 years deffending a guy I never was sad and pathetic...I went into the clinton years a moderate repubican who supported Perot..I ended up a very liberal...thanks to the right wing attacks and worthless crying about his sex life
the right was so insane in there 8 years of attacks I sepent alot of those 8 years deffending a guy I never was sad and pathetic...I went into the clinton years a moderate repubican who supported Perot..I ended up a very liberal...thanks to the right wing attacks and worthless crying about his sex life

Personally his sex life actually brought me a bit more on board with him just due to the fact it humanized him.. kinda ruined me for hilary also as a POTUS canadiate.

as Chris Rock said " the first person to jump on the President of the United states dick shoulda been his wife.. and a smart women would have sucked us to Nirvana .. slurrrpp sluurrrpp how about you lower taxes Mr. Clinton slurrp slurrrpp you know passing that education bill is a pretty good idea sluurrrpp slurrrppp" :D

((FYI .. possibly misquoted but pretty damn close ))
yea the right has not been full of do reacall he Clinton years right?

Yeah how horrible a lying felon would be called.... a lying felon. I never hated Clinton personally. He just was a horrible president, a pathological liar, and a scandal ridden criminal.

When non-liberals attack someone, it's because they are doing wrong things. When the left attacks someone, it's because they are doing right things, or because they are exposing them for doing wrong things.

Reagan did something right. He defeated the Soviet union. For that he was slandered and attacked. Whittaker Chambers exposed liberals supporting Soviet spies. For that he was slandered and attacked.

Clinton committed obstruction of justice, perjury, witness tampering, and endless other crimes by him and those he was in close contact with, as well those in his administration. For that he was attacked, but telling the truth isn't slander.
Yeah how horrible a lying felon would be called.... a lying felon. I never hated Clinton personally. He just was a horrible president, a pathological liar, and a scandal ridden criminal.

When non-liberals attack someone, it's because they are doing wrong things. When the left attacks someone, it's because they are doing right things, or because they are exposing them for doing wrong things.

Reagan did something right. He defeated the Soviet union. For that he was slandered and attacked. Whittaker Chambers exposed liberals supporting Soviet spies. For that he was slandered and attacked.

Clinton committed obstruction of justice, perjury, witness tampering, and endless other crimes by him and those he was in close contact with, as well those in his administration. For that he was attacked, but telling the truth isn't slander.

I think it goes back further than even Reagan. The first (Open) hate I know of was when JFK ran for president. There were a lot of people who did not like Catholics, much like people don't like Mormons today. I was told by someone old enough to remember when JFK died that they were in a bar and it came over the news, that bar did a big cheer. They hated him because he was Catholic.

Nixon was the first president that the media openly tried to hurt. It was the first case of constant media reports agaist him, purposly doing and saying things against him, and after him Ford.

I think to some degree that is why the right attacked Carter so much. as some sort of pay back for Nixon/Ford.

Because Carter was attacked so much they did a pay back and gave 12 years of demonizing Reagan/Bush 1.

The pay back was targeting Clinton with an added anger at Perot for letting Clinton take the election with less than 50 percent of the vote. adding a few pegs as not to be outdone by the group before them... the attacks became worse.

then of course Bush, the worst attacks I have ever seen in my life.

For each president the side doing the hating went up a few pegs from the group before them. If Obama gets it, the hate is going to fly like no one has ever seen. Having to make up for 8 years of demonizing Bush plus the natural progression of going up an extra peg or two.

Same for McCain on the other side. Either way we will only devide the nation.