The very first lie of many


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2024
The first question Trump was asked was How would his proposed 10% tariff on all imports from everywhere not cost American citizens money?
And Trump claimed that that no, his 10% tariffs would not cost them money., which is an obvious lie.

If you buy a $40,000 car, a 10% tariff will make it a $44,000 car. The tariff does not cost the Chinese (or whoever made it) any money, it cost the consumers money. Almost everything in my local Dollar Tree store was made in a foreign country, including food items, like French toast sticks and meat pies. Just look at the labels, and you will see.

Trump is ignorant and lies an claims that a 10% tariff will not cost consumers anything. He does not know what a tariff is, or he does know and he just lies.
Von Shitzhispants 10% tariff is inflationary. Can you explain how it is not?
Jan. 20, 2017: On his first day in office, Trump declares his inauguration crowd was so massive it stretched to the Washington Monument and claims it did not rain during his speech. Both statements were untrue and were easily disproved with visual evidence. In total, he makes 10 false or misleading claims on Day 1.
The first question Trump was asked was How would his proposed 10% tariff on all imports from everywhere not cost American citizens money?
And Trump claimed that that no, his 10% tariffs would not cost them money., which is an obvious lie.

If you buy a $40,000 car, a 10% tariff will make it a $44,000 car. The tariff does not cost the Chinese (or whoever made it) any money, it cost the consumers money. Almost everything in my local Dollar Tree store was made in a foreign country, including food items, like French toast sticks and meat pies. Just look at the labels, and you will see.

Trump is ignorant and lies an claims that a 10% tariff will not cost consumers anything. He does not know what a tariff is, or he does know and he just lies.
Von Shitzhispants 10% tariff is inflationary. Can you explain how it is not?

We lowered the cost of an insulin shot from $400 to $15
“We brought down the price of prescription drugs, which is a major issue for many people, to $15 for – for an insulin shot, as opposed to $400.”

This is false. The Inflation Reduction Act that Biden signed into law in August 2022 capped the out-of-pocket cost of insulin at $35 a month for all seniors on Medicare, according to the White House. Several pharmaceutical companies, including Eli Lilly, followed suit and limited the monthly cost of the drug to $35 per month as well. But there is no evidence Biden limited the cost of insulin beyond this.

The price of insulin was also never set at $400, though many paid about this much. The price a person pays for insulin depends on a variety of factors, including what type of insulin they are using, insurance status and whether they're eligible for a rebate from the drugmaker, according to NBC News. While estimates vary, one government study published in December 2022 reported that in 2019, the average insulin user with private insurance spent $456 on insulin annually, while those with Medicare spent $449 a year and those without health insurance paid $996, comparatively.

The border patrol endorsed him another lie.

more lies from dementia joe during the debate In the interview transcript, Time staff said, "Cumulative inflation means prices are up nearly 20% since you took office and wage increases have not kept pace."

Biden replied, "Wage increases have exceeded what the cost of inflation, which you're talking about as the prices that were pre-COVID prices.

Biden made at least nine false or misleading claims in the debate. He used false numbers while describing two of his key Medicare policies, falsely claimed that no US troops had been killed on his watch, repeated his usual misleading figure about billionaires’ tax rates, baselessly claimed that Trump wants to eliminate Social Security, falsely said that the unemployment rate was 15% when he took office, inaccurately said that the Border Patrol union had endorsed him before clarifying that he was talking about agents’ support for the border bill he had backed, and exaggerated Trump’s 2020 comments about the possibility of treating Covid-19 by injecting disinfectant.

Here is a detailed fact check from CNN’s reporting team of some of those claims.

Biden claim: Trump praised Hitler, saying he did 'some good things'
"This is a guy who says Hitler has done some good things"

Biden's quote of Trump is a reference to comments the former president allegedly made while talking with his White House Chief of Staff, John Kelly, in 2018 during a trip to Paris, according to excerpts from an upcoming book by Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Bender.

“Well, Hitler did a lot of good things,” Trump reportedly told Kelly, according to a CNN report.

Trump later denied that he made the comments and denied that the conversation took place. Liz Harrington, a Trump spokesperson, told CNN the claim is "totally false."

"President Trump never said this," Harrington said. "It is made up fake news, probably by a general who was incompetent and was fired."

Odd how you only notice when trump lies but not biden . You hate when people lie as long as they are not democrat .
What is your theory? That claiming that Biden said something untrue, makes Trump's lie true?
A 10% tariff will raise the price of all imported goods by at least 10%, and that will cause inflation, and make life less affordable. And it will affect the poor and middle class more than the wealthy.

This is a colossal LIE.

The debate consisted in an overprepared Biden quoting mostly facts and Trump lying decisively. No debate actually is very closely related to actually running the country, and this debate was not watched by any large number of voters.
What is your theory? That claiming that Biden said something untrue, makes Trump's lie true?
A 10% tariff will raise the price of all imported goods by at least 10%, and that will cause inflation, and make life less affordable. And it will affect the poor and middle class more than the wealthy.

This is a colossal LIE.

The debate consisted in an overprepared Biden quoting mostly facts and Trump lying decisively. No debate actually is very closely related to actually running the country, and this debate was not watched by any large number of voters.
That must be your theory . Lol yes fact Biden beat medicare not service men died under his watch . Lol over prepared Biden he needed rest he had a cold he was
Got any more excuses for his lies and mumbling and freezing up or forgetting what he was talking about
It wasn't watched by any number of voters. Lol it was watched all over the world and Democrats are calling for him to step down not run for office and even using the 25 amendment.
Your hate has blinded you to the truth. It's people like you who destroy our nation
The truth is that Trump is a criminal and has always cared about only himself.'
He deserves prison. We'd better off he dropped dead immediately.
To be sure, Hitler did do some good things. He drained some swamps, he built autobahns, But he destroyed many countries and killed many people, Trump does not read, and he is ignorant of history,

Trump said "immigrants are poisoning the blood of America". Hitler said exactly the same things about the Jews. meaning they were intermarrying with "pure" Aryans. Trump is an amoral narcissist. What did he mean when he said that immigrants were poisoning thr blood of Americans? Tell us what he meant by that.

I absolutely believe that John Kelly heard Trump call WWI vets "suckers and losers". I absolutely believe that he screwed Stormy Daniels and faked the books to make it look like he paid her hush money to benefit his campaign. Trump is a psycopath. He belongs in prison. DO NOT VOTE FOR HIM. We will all be worse off if he becomes president again.
To be sure, Hitler did do some good things. He drained some swamps, he built autobahns, But he destroyed many countries and killed many people, Trump does not read, and he is ignorant of history,

Trump said "immigrants are poisoning the blood of America". Hitler said exactly the same things about the Jews. meaning they were intermarrying with "pure" Aryans. Trump is an amoral narcissist. What did he mean when he said that immigrants were poisoning thr blood of Americans? Tell us what he meant by that.

I absolutely believe that John Kelly heard Trump call WWI vets "suckers and losers". I absolutely believe that he screwed Stormy Daniels and faked the books to make it look like he paid her hush money to benefit his campaign. Trump is a psycopath. He belongs in prison. DO NOT VOTE FOR HIM. We will all be worse off if he becomes president again.
amen. good post.

but alas our problem in no longer just trump. during his first impeachment, we had a chance to get really rid of him. but since then he has taken over the gop and has convinced a good portion of the population that they are in big trouble if dems win. trump will not go away until he dies. but even when he dies or become irrelevant trumpianism is alive and well. we need a huge social reform of some sort, else we as a nation are in big trouble.
Electing Trump will not solve any problem, it will again turn the White House into a bad reality show with stupid tweets daily and sweetheart deals for Big Oil, and possibly disruption of NATO. Trump likes Putin. He says he is in love with Kim Jung Un. He is a pal of the Saudi monarchy that kills journalists and hacks their remains on BBQ grills.
The first question Trump was asked was How would his proposed 10% tariff on all imports from everywhere not cost American citizens money?
And Trump claimed that that no, his 10% tariffs would not cost them money., which is an obvious lie.

If you buy a $40,000 car, a 10% tariff will make it a $44,000 car. The tariff does not cost the Chinese (or whoever made it) any money, it cost the consumers money. Almost everything in my local Dollar Tree store was made in a foreign country, including food items, like French toast sticks and meat pies. Just look at the labels, and you will see.

Trump is ignorant and lies an claims that a 10% tariff will not cost consumers anything. He does not know what a tariff is, or he does know and he just lies.
Von Shitzhispants 10% tariff is inflationary. Can you explain how it is not?
I can remember him clearly rejecting his last folly with tariffs, that the 10% imposed by China would be paid by China. That's how dumb the idiot is.
He also said the tariffs would increase economic reform for USA but not China. A stable genius???
amen. good post.

but alas our problem in no longer just trump. during his first impeachment, we had a chance to get really rid of him. but since then he has taken over the gop and has convinced a good portion of the population that they are in big trouble if dems win. trump will not go away until he dies. but even when he dies or become irrelevant trumpianism is alive and well. we need a huge social reform of some sort, else we as a nation are in big trouble.
I agree. The first step is tom prevent Trump from becoming president again, but after that, more needs to be done about education a lot of really ignorant riffraff.