the real Ukraine Timeline


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
for those who think contemporary european history started in 2022, an alternative view

"..World War II— Ukrainian national fascists, led by Stepan Bandera, at first allied with the German Nazis, massacre more than a hundred thousands Jews and Poles.

1950s to 1990 – C.I.A. brought Ukrainian fascists to the U.S. and worked with them to undermine the Soviet Union in Ukraine, running sabotage and propaganda operations. Ukrainian fascist leader Mykola Lebed was taken to New York where he worked with the C.I.A. through at least the 1960s and was still useful to the C.I.A. until 1991, the year of Ukraine’s independence. The evidence is in a U.S. government report starting from page 82. Ukraine has thus been a staging ground for the U.S. to weaken and threaten Moscow for nearly 80 years.

November 1990: A year after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (also known as the Paris Charter) is adopted by the U.S., Europe and the Soviet Union. The charter is based on the Helsinki Accords and is updated in the 1999 Charter for European Security. These documents are the foundation of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. The OSCE charter says no country or bloc can preserve its own security at another country’s expense.

Dec. 25, 1991: Soviet Union collapses. Wall Street and Washington carpetbaggers move in during ensuing decade to asset-strip the country of formerly state-owned properties, enrich themselves, help give rise to oligarchs, and impoverish the Russian, Ukrainian and other former Soviet peoples.

1990s: U.S. reneges on promise to last Soviet leader Gorbachev not to expand NATO to Eastern Europe in exchange for a unified Germany. George Kennan, the leading U.S. government expert on the U.S.S.R., opposes expansion. Sen. Joe Biden, who supports NATO enlargement, predicts Russia will react hostilely to it.


2010: Viktor Yanukovich is elected president of Ukraine in a free and fair election, according to the OSCE.

2013: Yanukovich chooses an economic package from Russia rather than an association agreement with the EU. This threatens Western exploiters in Ukraine and Ukrainian comprador political leaders and oligarchs.

February 2014: Yanukovich is overthrown in a violent, U.S.-backed coup (presaged by the Nuland-Pyatt intercept), with Ukrainian fascist groups, like Right Sector, playing a lead role. Ukrainian fascists parade through cities in torch-lit parades with portraits of Bandera.

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comrade stalin
victorious in the donbass​

Ever since the coup in Kiev in early 2014 — a coup materially and politically supported by Washington and its European allies — succeeded in toppling the democratically-elected government of Viktor Yanukovych, there was a grim inevitability with regard to what unfolded on Feb. 24 2022.

From the Kremlin’s perspective, Russia’s military campaign amounted to a long overdue counter against Western aggression in the form of the eastward expansion of NATO, to the point where it had begun to pose an unacceptable threat to the country’s security.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin had over many years been nothing if not relentless in sounding warnings in this regard. Those warnings, however, fell on the deaf ears of those resolute in their belief in the supposed verities of Western hegemony in the wake of the collapse of Soviet Communism in the early 1990s.

In the last analysis, empires are entities that create their own reality when secure in their power. However when that power wanes and weakens, as it must, what the proponents of empire consider reality is revealed to be the product of magical thinking.

It was precisely this shifting dynamic which produced the shock-horror in London, Brussels and Washington in response to Putin’s decision to embark on a military solution to what had become a zero sum game.

comrade stalin
victoriuos in the donbass
February 2014: Yanukovich is overthrown in a violent, U.S.-backed coup (presaged by the Nuland-Pyatt intercept), with Ukrainian fascist groups, like Right Sector, playing a lead role. Ukrainian fascists parade through cities in torch-lit parades with portraits of Bandera.

comrade stalin
victoriuos in the donbass

Yeah...that's what we really hear from another Putin-apologist.
Shouldn't that be......
"Yanukovich hauls-ASS for avoid prosecution for corruption!!!
for those who think contemporary european history started in 2022, an alternative view

"..World War II— Ukrainian national fascists, led by Stepan Bandera, at first allied with the German Nazis, massacre more than a hundred thousands Jews and Poles.

1950s to 1990 – C.I.A. brought Ukrainian fascists to the U.S. and worked with them to undermine the Soviet Union in Ukraine, running sabotage and propaganda operations. Ukrainian fascist leader Mykola Lebed was taken to New York where he worked with the C.I.A. through at least the 1960s and was still useful to the C.I.A. until 1991, the year of Ukraine’s independence. The evidence is in a U.S. government report starting from page 82. Ukraine has thus been a staging ground for the U.S. to weaken and threaten Moscow for nearly 80 years.

November 1990: A year after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (also known as the Paris Charter) is adopted by the U.S., Europe and the Soviet Union. The charter is based on the Helsinki Accords and is updated in the 1999 Charter for European Security. These documents are the foundation of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. The OSCE charter says no country or bloc can preserve its own security at another country’s expense.

Dec. 25, 1991: Soviet Union collapses. Wall Street and Washington carpetbaggers move in during ensuing decade to asset-strip the country of formerly state-owned properties, enrich themselves, help give rise to oligarchs, and impoverish the Russian, Ukrainian and other former Soviet peoples.

1990s: U.S. reneges on promise to last Soviet leader Gorbachev not to expand NATO to Eastern Europe in exchange for a unified Germany. George Kennan, the leading U.S. government expert on the U.S.S.R., opposes expansion. Sen. Joe Biden, who supports NATO enlargement, predicts Russia will react hostilely to it.


2010: Viktor Yanukovich is elected president of Ukraine in a free and fair election, according to the OSCE.

2013: Yanukovich chooses an economic package from Russia rather than an association agreement with the EU. This threatens Western exploiters in Ukraine and Ukrainian comprador political leaders and oligarchs.

February 2014: Yanukovich is overthrown in a violent, U.S.-backed coup (presaged by the Nuland-Pyatt intercept), with Ukrainian fascist groups, like Right Sector, playing a lead role. Ukrainian fascists parade through cities in torch-lit parades with portraits of Bandera.

more at

comrade stalin
victorious in the donbass​
The problem now is the USA has a POTUS that's a fascist communist like Putin. They sent love letters and condoms to each other.
did anyone actually read the whole timeline or is actually reading an article to the end and considering a reasoned reply reserved
for those with an IQ higher than their age.

the mess in the ukraine is a washington dc creation

you made own it

comrade stalin
did anyone actually read the whole timeline or is actually reading an article to the end and considering a reasoned reply reserved
for those with an IQ higher than their age.

the mess in the ukraine is a washington dc creation

you made own it

comrade stalin
Do you like the sentence filling word "actually" ?
Try not using it and nothing changes.