The Real Story of Thanksgiving

Quotes are from Palerider
Just a bit of anthropological study is due on your part bunz. There is ample evidence that any of the primitive hunter gatherer societies could live off land that would drive you or I into starvation. That doesn't mean that they were doing fine.
I would consider my anthrolopogical study of the natives that inhabited the geograpgic region I live in to be more than sufficient in regards to this thread.
While starvation was a possibility, it usually came from natural reasons such as drought. The fact that without European intervention, there would still be wide spread and sustaining Native populations on this continent would mean that they were doing just fine with thier technology and societal structure.

The natives arived here in the stone age and when we found them, they were still using stone tools and had pitifully short life expectancies. Call it what you will, but it is not doing "fine". They were surviving and expending most of their waking hours and lives doing it.
I guess we have different priorities, just as they did. I value having food, family and friends around more than I do trinkits, technology and money.

The Alaska Natives were very successful in ways of preserving food so when there were times of abundance such as the annual salmon runs it could be saved until times of more need.
I would consider my anthrolopogical study of the natives that inhabited the geograpgic region I live in to be more than sufficient in regards to this thread.
While starvation was a possibility, it usually came from natural reasons such as drought. The fact that without European intervention, there would still be wide spread and sustaining Native populations on this continent would mean that they were doing just fine with thier technology and societal structure.

If your anthropological study is sufficient, how is it that you got it so wrong? They were not doing fine. Stone tools, pitifully short life expectancy, and nearly constant warfare, rape and pillage and slaving among local villages is not doing fine. Their economic system barely sustained them. Overpopulation was a constant problem but tended to be kept in check by frequent periods of starvation due to famine and disease.

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