The Polls are Riged!

Exit polling showed a D plus 4 as a national trend I believe. Pretty close to what they said all along.
The final battleground states polls were pretty accurate and Obama won Ohio, Virginia and Colorado by just 2% and young voters in those states gave Obama a 29% edge over Romney in the demographic as it was in 2008 according to exit polls but Obama's overall youth support slipped slightly and they were not supposed to show up on Election Day.
The final battleground states polls were pretty accurate and Obama won Ohio, Virginia and Colorado by just 2% and young voters in those states gave Obama a 29% edge over Romney in the demographic as it was in 2008 according to exit polls but Obama's overall youth support slipped slightly and they were not supposed to show up on Election Day.

Actually, the youth showed up for Obama at 19% this year, and only at 18% in 2008. So, even that was Republican propaganda. . .or just plain ignorance and/or refusal to face reality . .. AGAIN!
I hope some Nut starts some crap with North Korean embassy I really do, then Kim Jung Uno will gert very angry and wipe both California and Hawaii off the map with nukes! Just like IRAN is gonna do to Israel now cause People didn t use their heads. Why didnt Benjamin Netanyahu endorse Mitt? It could been the outcome. Cause Rabbis tell their people who to vote for and they listen to them if Benjamin Netanyahu endorsed Mitt.
I hope some Nut starts some crap with North Korean embassy I really do, then Kim Jung Uno will gert very angry and wipe both California and Hawaii off the map with nukes! Just like IRAN is gonna do to Israel now cause People didn t use their heads. Why didnt Benjamin Netanyahu endorse Mitt? It could been the outcome. Cause Rabbis tell their people who to vote for and they listen to them if Benjamin Netanyahu endorsed Mitt.

You're such a sweet, crazy guy!
It really doesn't matter whether or not Netanyahu endorsed Mitt (I don't think that's true, but I don't care!). What does matter is that 69 to 70% of American Jewish people voted for President Obama

Fighting over every percentage point: Arguing about theJewish vote and exit polls
Jewish Telegraphic Agency ‎- 1 hour ago
PresidentObamaearned 69-70percentof theJewish vote,.
Why don't you just try to make sense of all this before you post more stupidity?

People drive themselves crazy with polls. Too many have been wrong in the past. There is only one that counts.