The one stroke engine ? 85 lbs 500 cc and 120 hp internal combustion engine of the future

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
Could be a great design for small cars and motorcycle .lets hope its the real thing
Could be a great design for small cars and motorcycle .lets hope its the real thing
I don't know. It doesn't look green enough to be accepted by red commies.

I don't know. It doesn't look green enough to be accepted by red commies.

View attachment 5517
Alternative electricity supply is communist???
How would you come to that conclusion?
You've had some type of brain atrophy and followed by strong doses of hating democrats.
It's obvious you've been under great pressure lately as your outrageous post indicate. There was a time when your posts made very little sense but now deteriorated to now they make none at all.
Communist regimes never invent anything. They don't have clean counties, the material things needed in life are not plentiful, and they don't have much else that's good. The free market has supplied the world and freed poor people from pole-to-pole to pursue more in life than just finding the next meal. Left to our own devices to make things better, good things happen, including better transportation. Compare vehicles today to those of yesteryear: better in every way, except EVs use a resource in shorter supply than gasoline. There is a tipping point, and we are near it, when we have to decide whether we want to use electricity as a fuel for cars or an energy source for all the other things we need. The EU is eating shit now because they can't make do, even with their crappy little tiny cars. Californica is next to endure a lot of bad energy decisions. The rest of are set to watch and enjoy bad people getting real Karma.
Communist regimes never invent anything. They don't have clean counties, the material things needed in life are not plentiful, and they don't have much else that's good. The free market has supplied the world and freed poor people from pole-to-pole to pursue more in life than just finding the next meal. Left to our own devices to make things better, good things happen, including better transportation. Compare vehicles today to those of yesteryear: better in every way, except EVs use a resource in shorter supply than gasoline. There is a tipping point, and we are near it, when we have to decide whether we want to use electricity as a fuel for cars or an energy source for all the other things we need. The EU is eating shit now because they can't make do, even with their crappy little tiny cars. Californica is next to endure a lot of bad energy decisions. The rest of are set to watch and enjoy bad people getting real Karma.
You can see that easily with the Chinese and Russians , most of their military these days are cheap copy's of American stuff.
God Bless America is still the most favored nation on earth.
It is still indeed because most of us have stood up for the right thing, But the last 20 years fewer and fewer Americas seem to comprehend what is right or good for mankind and America ..Supporting anti American causes and perverse behavior .
Its comical at times you have the gay tranny queer lesbo gorups liberals supporting the musims in Palistine , who would kill them for thier sexual choices . Seriously how stupid do you have to be to do that?