The Non-Existent Poor in Both Campaigns.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2012
Seattle, Wash.
Barack Obama has been totally focused on the middle class vote, while Mitt Romney has already made it clear what his stand on the poor is when he told America he’s not worried about the poor. I also remember something about a social safety net that is in my view in tatters.
If no one wants to even acknowledge the poor by even mentioning they exist, our political system in America will focus even more on telling people only what they want to hear, ensuring four more years of broken and unfulfilled campaign promises.
With no working safety net who will be there to help those in need when they fall?
If no one wants to even acknowledge the poor by even mentioning they exist

My first question is; why do you think people in this country are poor? My second question is did you miss the part where Romney said we need to have a safety net for people who are hurting?
He's an advocate for Communism, don't bother going to his site... Obama isn't far enough left for him so clearly Romney is on the extreme right as far as he's concerned. Taking care of the "poor" has always been the Leftist guise under which the looters and moocher attempt to seize power.
Mitt Romney is neither a right nor a legft-winger. He's a political opportunist who will say anything to get elected .
He tries to be all things ot all people . He's way too conservative on some issues for democrats but way too liberal for the
right-wing extremists .
Mitt Romney is neither a right nor a legft-winger. He's a political opportunist who will say anything to get elected .
He tries to be all things ot all people . He's way too conservative on some issues for democrats but way too liberal for the
right-wing extremists .

not unlike Obama visa versa of course ?
The Poor are Looters and Moochers...
Once upon a time you actually carried yourself like an adult, you were capable of having a conversation that didn't include fallacies such as the strawman you offered above. Name one Fascist/Communist dictator that didn't come to power by promising to raise the poor and middle class at the expense of the wealthy... Can you do that? No red herrings, don't try to change the subject, just name one or humbly concede to my point.
Once upon a time you actually carried yourself like an adult, you were capable of having a conversation that didn't include fallacies such as the strawman you offered above. Name one Fascist/Communist dictator that didn't come to power by promising to raise the poor and middle class at the expense of the wealthy... Can you do that? No red herrings, don't try to change the subject, just name one or humbly concede to my point.

gotta love community policing...

ths place of Walter's is what we make of it folks. lets make the most.
I don't understand... What have I said that requires "police" action?

what you did was community policing and i thank you for it.

P knows he's better than that stuff. sure he finds righties frustrating but hey, disagreement is the crux of this place.

lets all of us seek to raise the bar, its a lot more interesting.
what you did was community policing and i thank you for it.

P knows he's better than that stuff. sure he finds righties frustrating but hey, disagreement is the crux of this place.

lets all of us seek to raise the bar, its a lot more interesting.
Can that be without all out member assault? I think I can pledge to that!
Can that be without all out member assault? I think I can pledge to that!

you can tell someone they are a nincompoop without vitriol, yeah I'd like more of that.
its a discussion forum, lets discuss, disagre and say why. Pale and Lug are having a great exchange over on the global mean temp thread. lots of disagree, but lots of discuss too.