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Re: The just and the unjust ways to address modern racial inequality: affirmative act

Are you by chance a Pragmatist?

Do you feel a moral obligation or duty to the welfare of others?

If you don't feel its your duty or obligation, then you're not an altruist. If you feel it is, then you are.

Government is responsible for the skyrocketing cost of healthcare. Its regulations did away with affordable insurance plans such as catastrophic care and mandated that all insurance be the equivilent of buying a Rolls Royce with full coverage on all operational costs, maintainence and repairs.

Compare your medical insurance to your car insurance, if your car insurance covered everything, gas, belts, hoses, oil changes, tires and all other expenses for operation and maintainence of your vehicle, the cost would be astronomical - This is what government has done with Healthcare insurance.

Additionaly, government refuses to enact tort reform (e.g. loser pays) to protect doctors from frivolous lawsuits, this forces them to order more tests, screenings and drugs than necessary as a way to cover their rears and avoid litigation. Lawsuits also drive up the cost of insurance for doctors to practice medicine and they have to spread out any losses by charging more for their service.

My appologies. I was looking at it from the perspective of a logical equation.

Altruism, Collectivism, Statism = Progressive

As a logic equation:

A + C + S = P

You were using the individual parts as though they were equal to the sum of the parts:

A = P , C = P , S = P

That is why I pointed out that it was a logical fallacy to be using my definition as you were.

You seem to be under the common misconception that Progressive = Good and that's simply fallacious. Individual rights (Liberalism) prevailed with the Eman Proc and, if you would take the time to look closely, Progressivism denies individual rights and substitutes collective rights in their place: Affirmative Action is just such an example of Progressivism in practice.

My three word definition for Progressive was too broad and I've come to realise that I left out an integral part of the equation: Paternalism. Progressives built the Welfare State and they want to see it expanded to enth degree. Protecting you from yourself seems more important to them than protecting you from foreign threats.

Despite any shortfalls in my explanation, I did post about the roots of Progressivism and and a link to my thread about Progressives being anti-liberals in order for you to have a better understanding of where I was coming from.
