The economic snapshot


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
Watch these numbers grow with the economic genii horace q frump and felon muskolini in charge

Managing a broken set of financial books should be no problem for horace - he has been doing it for decades...

Ditto muskolini whose "richest man in the world" tag is a complete fantasy based on wall street flim-flam... look at his debt profile..if you can find it

1) Annual Inflation rate - 2.9

The annual inflation rate in the US rose for a 3rd consecutive month to 2.9% in December 2024 from 2.7% in November, in line with market expectations. This year-end rise is partly driven by low base effects from last year, particularly for energy. Energy costs declined much less (-0.5% vs -3.2% in November), mainly due to gasoline (-3.4% vs -8.1%), fuel oil (-13.1% vs -19.5%) and natural gas (4.9% vs 1.8%).

Also, inflation accelerated for food (2.5% vs 2.4%) and transportation (7.3% vs 7.1%) and prices fell less for new vehicles (-0.4% vs -0.7%). On the other hand, inflation slowed for shelter (4.6%, the lowest since January 2022, vs 4.7%) and prices continued to decline for used cars and trucks (-3.3% vs -3.4%).

On a monthly basis, the CPI rose by 0.4%, the most since March, and above forecasts of 0.3%. The index for energy rose 2.6%, accounting for over 40% of the monthly increase, mainly due to gasoline (4.4%). Also, food prices went up 0.3% and shelter also edged up 0.3%. source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

2) US federal debt - 2,000 billion increase per year

36, 446 billion

36.218 billion

- note this figure is artificially low due to "extraordinary measures" i,e, pillaging federal pension funds and the like to make the books look good

Budget deficit : 2,004 billion

Warfare State - 878 billion plus the 20 or so intelligence agencies plus all the hidden stuff

Interest - 1080 billion -

Cureent DOGO savings - 64 billion

Debt per taxpayer 323,046

2029 projected on current rates and trends

US federal debt : 47,218 billion
Annual Deficit : 2,738 billion
Interest : 1,973 billion
Warfare State : 1,259 billion
Debt per taxpayer : 387,611

comrade stalin
Victorious in the Donbass

Shitshizpants has named his very own, anti-union, anti-worker Secretary of Labor, and he will publish whatever statistics Shitshizpants tells him to.