The Boomers' Legacy


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2022
Lately, there's been talk of the GOP stirring-up their next dirty-trick; scare the shit outta (possibly) swing voters, or "undecideds" (people who have little interest in politics, but don't want to expose their chosen / voluntary-cluelessness). New young-Republicans certainly qualify.
. usual....the
GOP has exhumed their ol' timey Culture War warnings....for a whole new generation. usual....they reference a Culture War that's already occurred....and, taken on a life of it's own....much like how the Universe is continually expanding. It's always amusing to hear young "conservatives" expressing their nostalgia, for the 1950s.....'cause it's (already) happened....frequently....usually every 10 years, or each generation feels the experience is unique, to them! The GOP's gotten pretty good about resurrecting the past, as well....especially during election-years....'cause the Future (traditionally) scares the shit outta them!!

Ya' really wanna resurrect the '
50s, do you??
"What de Groot, no doubt irrigated by the rouge corncob placed somewhere on his person where the sun never shines, fails to see is that the hippies were and remain the only genuine working-class movement that came out of the Sixties. The other thing he fails to notice is that the hippies, as opposed to their “leaders,” transcended hippydom, in fact and later fiction on the period. At Berkeley, a friend who would definitely be classed as a former hippie, told me years ago, “You watched the anti-war speakers. When they left the podium, you left the crowd because the cops were coming.” Basic working-class wisdom as old as the Haymarket Massacre."
"Being an informal state-of-mind, the Hippie Movement had no official creed, but "hippieism" might be boiled down to a belief in peace and love (and a strong anti-war stance), anti-materialism/anti-consumerism, love of music, cultural and religious diversity, individualism, hedonism, healthy living, communal living, a longing to ‘get back to nature,’ intake of drugs and a strange adherence to Frisbee. Comparing U.S. culture before the hippies (which espoused a widespread conservatism) to that afterwards and looking at today’s culture, not just in the U.S. but in Europe and elsewhere, it’s interesting to note how many of these hippie beliefs have gained traction in the mainstream."
"There is but one conclusion you can draw from the astonishing pro-environment sea change happening in the culture and (reluctantly, nervously) in the halls of power in D.C., one thing we must all acknowledge in our wary, jaded, globally warmed universe: The hippies had it right all along."
The Hippies Were Right, After ALL!!!!
June 14, 2018
"Squares like Nixon and Trump might’ve conquered politically, sure. But from yoga to biodynamism to sustainability to weed, the slow march of progress has revealed an inarguable truth: Hippie values have won!"
"They were the longhairs. The freaks. The troublemakers. Proponents of a free-love utopia and, well, free everything. Bums bereft of breeding, direction and initiative. Pot-smoking, acid-dropping, heroin-shooting, lazy-as-a-beagle-on-a-sunny-back-porch addicts. War protesters as un-American as surely as if they were photographed genuflecting at the altar of Communism. Renegades in need of a thrashing, a barber, and a bath.

The hippies of the late 1960s were
condemned by the establishment as a generation of starry-eyed good-for-nothings who ignored the norms of the day. Young, counterculture kooks who disrespectfully turned their noses up at old established ways. Non-conformists. Sandals in a tuxedo America.

hippies are making news again this week on the 50th anniversary of Woodstock, where, the Nixon establishment declared, 400,000 VW bus-driving, flower-power-promoting neer-do-wells gathered on a rainy weekend like pigs in slop at Max Yasgur’s muddy New York state dairy farm to carry on their lifes mission: Listen to radical music; get high; exchange ambitious ideas about how to save the planet; and condemn anything in a suit and tie.

As recently uncovered
audio tapes of Reagans racist views of blacks disclosed, the hippies weren’t the only folks Dutch despised.

Fifty years after Woodstock, we know
one thing for certain:
The hippies were right.

Right about politics and war.

Right about the environment.

Right about society.

Right about the music."
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Hippie Dad With His Daughter, 1968

"Transport yourself back to 1968 with this groovy photograph capturing the epitome of the hippie era. Take a glimpse into the personal lives of a father and his daughter as they confidently strut through a field, perfectly embodying the laid-back fashion and free-spirited values of the time.

This photo is
more than just a family moment — it’s a symbol of an entire cultural revolution that preached love, peace, and harmony with nature. It’s like a time capsule, reminding us to always stay true to our ideals."
Lately, there's been talk of the GOP stirring-up their next dirty-trick; scare the shit outta (possibly) swing voters, or "undecideds" (people who have little interest in politics, but don't want to expose their chosen / voluntary-cluelessness). New young-Republicans certainly qualify.
. usual....the
GOP has exhumed their ol' timey Culture War warnings....for a whole new generation. usual....they reference a Culture War that's already occurred....and, taken on a life of it's own....much like how the Universe is continually expanding. It's always amusing to hear young "conservatives" expressing their nostalgia, for the 1950s.....'cause it's (already) happened....frequently....usually every 10 years, or each generation feels the experience is unique, to them! The GOP's gotten pretty good about resurrecting the past, as well....especially during election-years....'cause the Future (traditionally) scares the shit outta them!!

Ya' really wanna resurrect the '
50s, do you??
Republicans need to scare Americans with accurate images of Kamala's true character and views.