The Biological Jew by Eurace Mullins


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
Eustace Mullins
Posted Feb. 20, 2009

(Sunday, 14 March 2004)


At the age of forty-five, Eustace Mullins had completed thirty years of continuous activity as a writer, an artist and a businessman. With five books currently in print on fine arts, religious and economic subjects, he also carries on a fulltime business career, and is known as an artist’s artist, a serious painter who has restored distance to the art of landscape, and whose paintings have won many prizes. He has also won prizes for his exhibits of photographs, both portraits and still lifes.

In business, he has been active as an economist, and in public relations.

Eustace Mullins is a veteran of the United States Air Force, with thirty-eight months of active service during World War II. A native Virginian, he was educated at Washington and Lee University, New York University, the Escuela des Bellas Artes, Mexico, and the Institute of Contemporary Arts, Washington, D.C.

He served as legislative researcher during the late Senator Joseph McCarthy’s battle against Communism, and has been a member of the staff of the Library of Congress. He has been a consultant on highway taxation for the American Petroleum Institute, an editor of Institutions Magazine, and an editorial director of the Chicago Motor Club. For fifteen years, he devoted his services as editor and writer to the better-known conservative publications in the United States. For a number of years, he was active in attempts to free the poet Ezra Pound from an illegal confinement in St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, in Washington, D.C
read the whole article on the link

Most of us think of a parasite as something distasteful, whose role in life is to feed at the expense of someone else. As a result, the term, when applied to humans, is always one of disgust. In the animal and plant kingdoms, also, the parasite is universally disliked. The Oxford English Dictionary (1933) defines the term.


1. One who eats at the table, or at the expense of, another; always an opprobrious application.

2. Biol. An animal or plant which lives in or upon another organism (technically called its host) and draws its nutriment directly from it.

3. (fig.) a person whose part or action resembles that of an animal parasite."

Thus we find that a parasite is one who is disliked, who feeds at the expense of another, and who lives in or upon another organism which is called the host. We also find that the term can be applied to a person whose life follows the classic life pattern of the parasite.

Now, in the study of mankind, we find that there is one group or classification of persons who appear persistently in the records of the great civilizations. They are always disliked, yet they remain in the midst of the people who dislike them, and if they are driven out, they insist upon returning, no matter at what cost to themselves. We also find that they always manage to live at the expense of others.

The Encyclopaedia Britannica defines parasitism as follows:

"Parasitism – a one-sided nutritive relationship between two organisms of different kinds, a relationship which is more or less injurious, yet not usually fatal, to the host; a relationship, moreover, that relieves the parasite from most of the activity or struggle which is usually associated with procuring food, and thus tends to favour or induce some degree of simplification or degeneracy."

In the record of many civilizations, we find that the presence of the parasitic group is in many instances fatal to the host people, because it effects fundamental changes in the life pattern of the host people, and diverts their primary energies to the feeding of the parasites. This alteration affects every aspect of the host people’s existence, and inevitably weakens them to the point where they are destroyed. Since the Encyclopaedia Britannica refers above to a purely biological parasitic condition in the animal and the plant kingdoms, it is true that the parasitic relationship can be injurious without being fatal, over a period of time, yet even in these instances, we find many examples of plants and animals being killed by parasites, a fact which apparently was not known to the learned scholar who authored the authoritative Encyclopaedia Britannica article on this condition.

The Encyclopaedia Britannica also paragraphs an important factor in the present study, the localization of the parasite within the host. The Britannica article points out that,

"Parasites are often localized to a particular site within the host."

Since the parasite has reduced its life aims to one goal, that of remaining upon the host and feeding at its expense, it must choose a location where this is possible. The location must be one from which the host cannot readily dislodge it, and it must be one which allows the parasite to feed without exertion. As a result, the parasite usually chooses a place in or near the reproductive organs or the excretory organs of the host.

Throughout history, the parasitic group has chosen to localize itself near the reproductive or the excretory organs of the host. In most cases, this has meant settling in the great cities of the host people, although, in nations which were primarily agricultural, the parasitic group managed to disperse itself among the villages.

Webster’s Third International Dictionary defines the parasite as "2a – an organism living in or on another living organism, obtaining from it part or all of its organic nutriment, and commonly exhibiting some degree of structural modifications.


This is an important characteristic of the parasitic group in the history of mankind. It has exhibited an amazing ability to change or to modify itself in order to achieve its parasitic goal. It has developed extremely refined techniques for remaining upon the host, and sophisticated methods of continuing to feed at the host’s expense. It has adopted many guises, and it has shown a tremendous amount of adaptability for appearing in various forms, in order to remain in place.

To continue with Webster’s Third International Dictionary –

"Parasite 3. something that resembles the biological parasite in dependence upon something else for existence without making a useful or adequate return (illus. the great city is a parasite on the country – Francois Bondy)."

This is the last important key to the solution of our problem, the decay of human civilization. The parasite depends on something else for existence without making a useful or an adequate return. Throughout our study of history, we find that the parasitic group never makes any return or shows any gratitude for being allowed to feed upon the host. The parasites motto is "always take." Should we be surprised, then to find that this motto actually appears in the written literature of a known parasitic group?

We now ask the reader – what group appears and reappears in the history of one civilization after another? What group has always been actively disliked by its host peoples? What group has played an often decisive role in the decay and collapse of one civilization after another? What group indulges in every type of degeneracy? What group always localizes to certain positions among the host peoples? And what group refuses to fulfill a constructive role in any civilization, but instead, remains true to its motto of "Always take," while refusing to make a useful or an adequate return? The Biological Jew 3


This group, as the reader may have already surmised from his own studies, is known throughout history as the Jews. Prior to the present study, human individuals or groups living at the expense of others were often called parasites, but this term was used purely in a sociological sense, without any biological point of reference. Plantation owners were said to be parasites because they lived at the expense of their slaves, aristocrats were said to be parasites because they lived at the expense of the masses, armies were said to be parasites because they lived at the expense of the workers.

But, in every case, the supposed parasites were performing certain duties and fulfilling certain responsibilities in the society. Thus we find that in the purely sociological sense, it is possible to name many groups as parasitical, such as children and those who are too old to work. They are certainly feeding at the expense of others, performing no useful work, and making no adequate return. But these groups either have done useful work in the past, or they are expected to do so in the future. Thus, they do not fall within the accepted framework of the biological definition of a parasite. Throughout this work, we will find that the biological references hold true to an amazing degree, in establishing the history and the presence of a parasitical group, and that in every instance, the records of the Jews prove that they are fulfilling the role of biological parasites.


In nature, we find that the parasite often attempts to disguise its parasitic life cycle, and to appear to be like ordinary plants and animals. Thus, a description of the biological plant, Krameria, in "The Conditions of Parasitism in Plants," by D. T. Macdougal and W. A. Cannon (Carnegie Institute of Washington, 1910):

"The Western United States desert bush Krameria is parasitic on a number of woody hosts. Krameria does not at first glance seem to be a parasite, for it does not grow directly upon its host, but its roots reach out beneath the ground and tap the roots of its host, drawing nutriment therefrom. Its favorite host is Covillea tridentata, although it is also parasitic on the acacia and a number of other plants. Its condition of parasitism was discovered after scientists were puzzled that it had no deep-going tap root. It is a grayish shrub, bearing fruit and leaves at certain seasons of the year."

The parasite in nature often finds it convenient to disguise itself and its aims, and to convince others that it is something else, in order to carry out its parasitic mission. Also, the parasite is not a species, but a form of life, which preys upon many other different species. In this regard, the Jew as a biological species is not so much a race, as it is a type which preys upon all other races. As Geoffrey LaPage points out, in his definitive work, "Parasitic Animals" (Cambridge University Press, 1951, page 1),

"A parasitic animal is not a particular species of animal, but an animal which has adopted a certain way of living."

In regard to Krameria’s failure to develop a deep tap root, which is not necessary for its parasitic existence, we may note that the Jew never develops deep roots in any culture of a host people, but confines himself to the most superficial and the most quickly profitable aspects of its existence.

Therefore, a Jew is not so much a particular species in the civilized world, as he is a type which has adopted a certain form of parasitic life and adapted himself to exist upon a host which can provide his food.
This too is a fundamental aspect of the life cycle of the biological Jew. Throughout history, he has always been smaller and weaker than his gentile host, yet he has often managed to subdue him. The puny weakling, as celebrated by the Jewish comedian Charlie Chaplin, always manages to outwit and to defeat his larger and stronger gentile opponent. We find that this celebration is a fundamental approach in all Jewish humor, literature and art. The small David is shown defeating the larger Goliath, the cunning Mordecai is shown defeating the stronger gentile official, Haman. David, of course, is the small parasite, and Goliath is the large host, who is struck down from afar, before he has a chance to use his superior strength against the weakling challenger.


LaPage classifies as "temporary parasites" those insects such as mosquitoes and leeches, which suck the blood of the host. He names them ectoparasites because they do not enter the body of the host. Other lice, which live beneath the skin of their hosts, are classified as endoparasites. There are also hyperparasites, who live off of other parasites (the rabbinical dynasties), and brood or social parasites, which are found in ant and bee families, and which live off of the community.


LaPage points out that every animal, whatever its mode of life, is gradually altered by the slow processes of evolution. He says that the parasite, far from being an exception to this rule, actually exemplifies it.

"It develops teeth with which to rasp the tissues of the host, sucking apparatuses to suck its juices, coagulants to hold onto the host body. The remarkable cunning with which some kinds of bloodsucking bats stalk their victims and steal their blood must also be reckoned among the modifications which their temporarily parasitic habits have produced. Species of Desmodus attack cattle, horses and other animals, including man and poultry, when they are asleep at night. They watch their victims carefully, and, when they are asleep, they walk or sidle up to them and scoop out a piece of flesh so delicately that the sleeping animal often is not aware of the bite until the bleeding is discovered in the morning."

One of the specialized modifications of the Jew is his ability to suck the blood of the gentile host without alarming his victim, weakening it without being discovered, through the highly sophisticated and refined instruments and techniques which the Jew has developed over a period of centuries for these specific purposes, and which have no counterpart in any other species. In view of these techniques, need we be surprised that some of the gentiles who have been most weakened by the blood-lettings of the Jew are among his most vociferous defenders, and who will fight to the death to protect their Jewish "benefactors." They are totally unable to recognize their danger, or the insidious nature of the parasitic attack.


LaPage describes a type of parasite called the hagfish, which is classified as one of the Cyclostomes, a name whose origin refers to the circular opening inside their mounts. He says, The Biological Jew 5

"All of these fishes have a wormlike shape and perhaps the best known of them is the lamprey. The hagfish has two rows of teeth on its powerful tongue and one median tooth upon the roof of its mouth. Its eyes are very important and are buried beneath the skin, probably because the hagfish burrows deeply into the tissues of the fish which it attacks, so that its eyes have become useless. For the same reason, its gill openings are connected by long tubes to a single opening on the surface much farther back than the gill openings of the lamprey, so that the hagfish can breathe water while its head end is buried in the body of the fish upon which it is parasitic. Some species of hagfish can attach themselves so firmly by means of their sutorial mouths to the living fish that these fish can only rarely shake them off. They then rasp off the flesh of the fish and suck their blood. Some species of them consume the fish muscle until little is left of the living fish except its bones and viscera, and the fish dies."
...What group has played an often decisive role in the decay and collapse of one civilization after another? What group indulges in every type of degeneracy? What group always localizes to certain positions among the host peoples? And what group refuses to fulfill a constructive role in any civilization, but instead, remains true to its motto of "Always take," while refusing to make a useful or an adequate return?...
What civilization have the Jews had a decisive role in the collapse of?
In what civilization has Jews not fulfilled a constructive role in?
I know of many Jews who are doctors, lawyers, professors (educators), scientists, mathematicians, politicians, businessmen, entertainers, musicians, etc. How could anyone but a fool refer to Jews as "nonconstructive". Albert Einstein comes to I remember, there were many Jews involved in early research in nuclear power, Einstein was not an exception.
Even if the things stated by the original poster were true, would it be because of some genetic predisposition, or the result of some cultural norm. If it were a cultural norm, it could be changed. If it is a genetic predisposition, prove it!!!! Original poster, please reveal your ancestral heritage so that we may compare it to that of the Jewish heritage...that is if you have the balls.
I am not Mullins.
Neither Dante was muslim who put the Jews deep in Hell.
Ergo you are a Jew.
There are exception in every rules.
I am not muslim.
Do not kill the messanger because you don"t like the message.
I am not a donkey because I am not a Jew.
I am a North-American Christian. Of Italo-French-German

Mullins was a well known writer .
He died a few years ago.
He had the right to write whatever he wanted .
Like a Jew, had the right to write the Talmud.
