The Bible is Israel’s blueprint for genocide.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
as well as the sexual abuse of children..

sadly this disgusting cult has the support of the well-bribed us congress and the "leader of the free world"

as well, anyone with an open mind who dares criticise this awful religion, which genetically mutilates male babies, and the rogue state that it spawned, gets the inevitable "antisemitic" treatment

"..By sanctifying old tales of tribal genocides, and claiming that the corresponding war code is the eternal Word of God, Israel has turned itself into a living stone-age fossil, a monster from a bygone age of savagery[2]. Not the elephant, but the tyrannosaurus in the room. The Hebrew Tanakh functions as a bronze-age software programming Israel with an inflexible prehistoric mentality or semi-nomadic pastoral raiders.

When the Zionists claimed that they were restoring ancient Israel, they really meant it. We should have listened carefully when the Chief Secretary of the Lehi, or Stern Gang, claimed that his terrorist organization was “the inheritors of the purest traditions of ancient Israel.”[4] He was right. Israel was always about the Bible. As it grew stronger, it became more and more openly biblical.

And here we are today, with a government-funded rabbi like Yitzak Shapira (“a great halakhic arbiter” according to Netanyahu) writing in his book Hamelech (“The King’s Torah”): “There is justification for killing babies if it is clear that they will grow up to harm us.”[5] Shapira claims that his edict “is fully justified by the Torah.” He is right, no question about it. The Bible is Israel’s blueprint for genocide.

comrade stalin