Terrorist suspect caught!


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
and before he could blow anyone up.:)

Terror Suspect Had Bomb Guide, Authorities Say

The central figure in what authorities describe as a widening inquiry into a possible plot to detonate explosives in the United States had been trained in weapons and explosives in Pakistan and, according to court papers released Sunday, had made nine pages of handwritten notes on how to make and handle bombs.

One down, how many more to go?
Over the years, these "plots" have repeatedly turned out to be bogus.

Comrade Stalin
Very true, Stalin. The American Secret Police have to claim a stop or two now and then just to make sure their employers think they're doing something useful.
Over the years, these "plots" have repeatedly turned out to be bogus.

Comrade Stalin

Sure, tell that to the people who had family in the WTC on 9/11, or the Spaniards who chose to take the train on a certain fateful day. Sure, terrorist plots are bogus, until one of them succeeds.
Good thing to look at. I had started a similar thread.

This is the way we need to fight terrorists not send troops all over the world trying to Nation Build countries.

Just like the attack on 9-11 was done by a handful of ultra religious nut jobs that came into our country not as soldiers but as regular looking travelers that's basically the only way they can hurt us. HOMELAND SECURITY is the key. Think how amazingly good our homeland security would be if just one tenth of the money wasted occupying Iraq was spent on investigative manpower and state of the art technology right here at home.

Hats off to US Law Enforcement on this one! Great job guys!

FBI describes bomb plot
By Bruce Finley
The Denver Post
Posted: 09/21/2009

Today, 24-year-old Najibullah Zazi and his father, Mohammed, 53, are scheduled to make initial appearances in federal court.

They've been held in Denver County Jail since late Saturday, when FBI agents raided their apartment and arrested them on nonterrorism charges of making false statements.

The Zazis had broken off voluntary talks with the FBI after three days of questioning.

A New York imam, Ahmad Wais Afzali, identified as a police informant, also faces charges of making false statements in that state. If convicted, each faces up to eight years in prison.

Zazi's attorney, Art Folsom, preferred not to comment on the affidavits, spokeswoman Wendy Aiello said Sunday.

"He is at work," she said, "preparing for court."

Zazi and his father have repeatedly insisted they've done nothing wrong.

No evidence has been presented to substantiate the international plot that FBI agents announced in arrest affidavits. Assistant Attorney General for National Security David Kris said authorities have "no specific information regarding the timing, location or target of any planned attack."

He said the arrests "are part of an ongoing and fast-paced investigation."

Federal authorities based their arrests on alleged false statements made in interviews with the FBI and during "legally authorized electronic surveillance."

Najibullah Zazi, they said, gave a false story about notes on his computer. Mohammed Zazi, according to the affidavits, did not truthfully answer questions about whom he spoke with in New York. And Afzali is alleged to have provided conflicting statements on what he told Zazi during a phone call.

The affidavits reveal that FBI agents put Zazi under surveillance in Colorado sometime after he returned from a nearly five-month visit to Pakistan that started in August 2008.

Najibullah Zazi's father and his aunt and uncle have said that Zazi went to Pakistan to visit his wife in the Pakistan-Afghanistan border city of Peshawar.

According to an affidavit, Afghanistan-born Zazi during questioning in Denver on Thursday and Friday admitted attending courses "at an al-Qaeda training facility in the FATA (tribal) region of Pakistan" and that "he received instruction from al-Qaeda operatives on subjects such as weapons and explosives."...

Bruce Finley: 303-954-1700 or bfinley@denverpost.com
Good thing to look at. I had started a similar thread.

This is the way we need to fight terrorists not send troops all over the world trying to Nation Build countries.

Just like the attack on 9-11 was done by a handful of ultra religious nut jobs that came into our country not as soldiers but as regular looking travelers that's basically the only way they can hurt us. HOMELAND SECURITY is the key. Think how amazingly good our homeland security would be if just one tenth of the money wasted occupying Iraq was spent on investigative manpower and state of the art technology right here at home.

Hats off to US Law Enforcement on this one! Great job guys!

FBI describes bomb plot
By Bruce Finley
The Denver Post
Posted: 09/21/2009

Today, 24-year-old Najibullah Zazi and his father, Mohammed, 53, are scheduled to make initial appearances in federal court.

They've been held in Denver County Jail since late Saturday, when FBI agents raided their apartment and arrested them on nonterrorism charges of making false statements.

The Zazis had broken off voluntary talks with the FBI after three days of questioning.

A New York imam, Ahmad Wais Afzali, identified as a police informant, also faces charges of making false statements in that state. If convicted, each faces up to eight years in prison.

Zazi's attorney, Art Folsom, preferred not to comment on the affidavits, spokeswoman Wendy Aiello said Sunday.

"He is at work," she said, "preparing for court."

Zazi and his father have repeatedly insisted they've done nothing wrong.

No evidence has been presented to substantiate the international plot that FBI agents announced in arrest affidavits. Assistant Attorney General for National Security David Kris said authorities have "no specific information regarding the timing, location or target of any planned attack."

He said the arrests "are part of an ongoing and fast-paced investigation."

Federal authorities based their arrests on alleged false statements made in interviews with the FBI and during "legally authorized electronic surveillance."

Najibullah Zazi, they said, gave a false story about notes on his computer. Mohammed Zazi, according to the affidavits, did not truthfully answer questions about whom he spoke with in New York. And Afzali is alleged to have provided conflicting statements on what he told Zazi during a phone call.

The affidavits reveal that FBI agents put Zazi under surveillance in Colorado sometime after he returned from a nearly five-month visit to Pakistan that started in August 2008.

Najibullah Zazi's father and his aunt and uncle have said that Zazi went to Pakistan to visit his wife in the Pakistan-Afghanistan border city of Peshawar.

According to an affidavit, Afghanistan-born Zazi during questioning in Denver on Thursday and Friday admitted attending courses "at an al-Qaeda training facility in the FATA (tribal) region of Pakistan" and that "he received instruction from al-Qaeda operatives on subjects such as weapons and explosives."...

Bruce Finley: 303-954-1700 or bfinley@denverpost.com

That said letting them have places like Afganistan to stage training and planning, and recruit people....not helpful at all....And think of all the manpower they could put into attacks on the US if not trying to retake Afganistan still.....
Good thing to look at. I had started a similar thread.

This is the way we need to fight terrorists not send troops all over the world trying to Nation Build countries.

Just like the attack on 9-11 was done by a handful of ultra religious nut jobs that came into our country not as soldiers but as regular looking travelers that's basically the only way they can hurt us. HOMELAND SECURITY is the key. Think how amazingly good our homeland security would be if just one tenth of the money wasted occupying Iraq was spent on investigative manpower and state of the art technology right here at home.

It would seem that you agree with George Bush more than I did when he created homeland security. I thought "here we go with yet again another department." But I will admit I was probably wrong and having homeland security dept was probably the right thing to do.

1/10th? Maybe we already do?

Suppose we spent all the money in Iraq on Homeland security instead but as a result Iraq had built the WMD that they wanted to build and then they gave it to someone who used it?

I too am against nation building. But until I am privvy to all the intelligence I am not going to play armchair quarterback. Exactly why I have not criticized President Obama for his action on the missile defense system.