Tens of trillions of dollars in unfunded liabilities set to deplete Social Security funds by 2033

Indeed no one talks about the liability's we owe,with a 35 trillion debt and growing ss wil be trash .
Harris will add at least 6 to 10 trillion to it.
Donald Trump's campaign promises would send the national debt soaring much faster than Kamala Harris' would, per two new analyses from the Penn Wharton Budget Model. Both of them increase the deficit relative to the current baseline.

Why it matters: When the government gives money to individuals and businesses, as both candidates propose, that's good for the recipients, and broadly good for economic growth, but it also accelerates the growth of the national debt, which is already at worrisome levels.

What they found: Keeping Trump's campaign promises would increase the national debt by $5.8 trillion over 10 years, while Harris' would cost $1.2 trillion.

If the policies are scored using "dynamic pricing" that reflects increased tax revenues from policies that increase economic activity, the gap shrinks a little, with Trump's promises costing $4.1 trillion to Harris' $2 trillion.

God you are stupid lol