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Again you show your lack of intellect, or the analytical mind you feel so proud of. Under the Republicans you are so proud of, there was a recession in which the wealthy received 7 TRILLION dollars in additional wealth while the middle class lost 11 Trillion dollars in their wealth. In fact, millions lost their homes, their jobs, their retirement. Never hear you whining about that.

Now tell me Waggie, just how is anything being "stolen" from the wealthy, or you? Are you not free to move to a country where you feel better about the tax rate? Then too, can you tell me if Jefferson felt it an act of theft to tax ONLY THE WEALTHY? Maybe Franklin felt it was theft when he used tax doollars to provide free health care for the poor.

So, when the poor lose their "wealth" to the wealthy, and by government fiat, that the wealthy get the idea that they "deserve it" right? You seem to feel they do.

Where in your world of analysis does that mean they will find one?
