Surely democracy is better than this


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
the view from outside the united states is quite different from inside the hysteria bubble ...

"..What a shambles! What a shame! With less than four months to go, America’s presidential race, global democracy’s showpiece event, has boiled down to a choice between a crook, a codger, a cheerleader and a charlatan. Four folks who, for varying reasons, are barely fit.

Voters deserve better. Or perhaps, by applauding and rewarding bad behaviour, they really don’t. Friends and allies look on aghast. Chinese and Russian online election trolls sneer with delight. No worries, guys. The US is busy screwing itself.


Biden has an illness to which those exercising great power often succumb: a delusional belief in his own indispensability. Only he can beat Trump, he insists. It’s nonsense, of course. Biden may be the only Democrat who can’t beat him. Reports suggest the old stager may be finally recognising that reality.

comrade stalin
gaza famine is still the issue
There are a number of ways that the US political system favors people from underpopulated states and rural voters, the main one being the Electoral College, which was originally a way for Southern states to get some sort of representational credit for their slaves.

People in other countries think that the Electoral College is devious. Many countries copied the US Constitution, but only one fo a short time adopted an Electoral College. That country was Haiti. Some Haitian president won their elections with under 2000 votes. There were literacy requirements, property ownership requirements and often the ability to speak French (in a county where everyone knew Creole.