Suppose you became the President of the United States? What would you do?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
I would cut taxes on the poor and Middle Class

I would keep the income tax the same on the upper and wealthy class.

I would impose Tax breaks people who join military service

I would impose Tax breaks people who purchase Solar Panels,Electric and hybrid Cars and Windmills.

I would impose 10% luxury tax on luxury items like Jewley,Yachts,Private Planes,Autos over $50,000,Fur Coats,Minks,Gold and diamond watches

I would Impose 15% CEO Corperate income tax

I would impose 15% entertainers income tax,, Movie Stars,TV Stars, Pro Ballplayers, Pro Wrestlers and Comedians.

I would impose doctors must pay for medical malpratice insurance, Must pay federal medical license fee. Federal medical registration fee and federal private pratice fee.

I would impose the death penalty.

I would abolish abortion.

I would impose underground High Speed rail

I would restrict the TSA from touching people and use profiling like Israel does.
Since 100% of what you would do is to "impose" or "restrict" what we can do I would call you a tyrant.

I would return us to a government that took seriously its duty to follow the constitution.

That would limit the scope and role of government which would lower taxes on all and increase the standard of living for all.

As a leader, but not an elected official, I would encourage all citizens to take care of their fellow man so that we would live up to the dream of being a city on a hill. The US would have the most freedom, the highest standard of living, the greatest health care system and the least poverty of all countries in the world. Peoples of all sorts would want to be like us. They would force their own government to improve.

I would be assassinated within the first year?
1. Support the Fair Tax Plan (if any of you don't know what it is, Google it and read it before you criticize it).

2. Support a national health insurance plan not solely administered by the federal government or state governments, but administered by health care professionals who know what they are doing, with government accounting oversight. All people employed in the medical field (from physicians and surgeons to nurses to medical technicians to janitors) will be placed on a wage scale, based on a combination of experience, quality of care, and merit. All hospitals would be transformed into non-profit organizations. Everybody, including those currently receiving Medicaid and Medicare, will pay a monthly out-of-pocket health insurance premium based on a percentage of their net monthly income.

3. Thoroughly review the Securities and Exchange Commission, granting them additional enforcement and investigative duties and broad subpoena powers, and bring in new people experienced with investment banking, stock market manipulators and their many schemes, and all other types of securities fraud.

4. Abolish the Federal Reserve Bank. Immediately begin the transition to a hybrid gold and silver standard.

5. Immediately return home all of our military personnel in Germany, Bosnia, Japan, and other places in the world where they don't need to be. World War 2 ended 66 years ago. It's time to bring our troops home.

6. Demand Congressional hearings on labor union political activities, organized crime activities (such as threats, extortion, misuse of union funds, etc.), and decertify those labor unions who have repeatedly violated federal or state laws. Also sign a bill into law that would abolish public employee labor unions, for national security and public safety reasons.

7. Declare all terrorist organizations in the world to be enemies of the United States, and establish military tribunals to begin immediate trials, using military law, for all of the captured POWs at Gitmo and at any other locations where these terrorists are in the custody of the U.S. government.

8. Limit the amount of compensation a corporation can pay their top executives. There is no room in this country for CEOs who make $50 million a year, or top executives who get multi-million bonuses, even though their companies are failing or filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection. No more golden parachutes, and no more overpaid fat cats.

9. Reduce foreign aid and all other foreign "money-pit" projects, and instead use those billions of dollars to take care of the poor and hungry in the United States.

10. Construct a barrier/fence across the entire length of our southern and northern borders. The fence will be of the same type used at many prisons: electrified with inner and outer fences. Establish detainment camps in rural areas around the United States, near our northern and southern borders, where illegal aliens will be detained until such time that they can be returned to their native countries.

11. Overhaul the U.S. Immigration laws to allow a much more coherent path to citizenship. Reduce the red tape, establish yearly immigration quotas, and establish an immigration advocacy organization that will sponsor and mentor new legal immigrants during their transition period.

12. Allow all illegal aliens currently in the United States a 30-day grace period to return to their countries of origin. After that time, all illegal aliens will be identified, arrested, and detained until such time that they are deported to their countries of origin. These illegal aliens will be given the opportunity to return to the United States through the legal means established by the new immigration law.

13. Immediately place a 25-50% tariff on all imported goods. The proceeds from this tariff will be used to reduce the national debt. All American-owned companies who have manufacturing facilities in foreign countries will immediately be given generous financial incentives to return their facilities to the United States.

14. End the "war on drugs" and instead establish a national drug rehabilitation program for those who want and need assistance in detoxing from their addictions.

15. Legalize marijuana, and establish a federal tax system for marijuana sales.

16. Make it very clear to our allies that the United States will no longer be the "policemen of the world", and we as a country expect our allies to have the capability to defend themselves against all of their enemies, both foreign and domestic.

17. Re-evaluate our membership in the United Nations, propose the necessary changes in U.N. operations, and if other member countries do not comply with the U.S. evaluation and necessary changes, then the U.S. will withdraw it's U.N. membership and put the United Nations on notice that the organization has six months to vacate their building in New York City and relocate their operations outside of the United States.

That's a good start, anyway.
I would cut taxes on the poor and Middle Class

I would keep the income tax the same on the upper and wealthy class.

I would impose Tax breaks people who join military service

I would impose Tax breaks people who purchase Solar Panels,Electric and hybrid Cars and Windmills.

I would impose 10% luxury tax on luxury items like Jewley,Yachts,Private Planes,Autos over $50,000,Fur Coats,Minks,Gold and diamond watches

I would Impose 15% CEO Corperate income tax

I would impose 15% entertainers income tax,, Movie Stars,TV Stars, Pro Ballplayers, Pro Wrestlers and Comedians.

I would impose doctors must pay for medical malpratice insurance, Must pay federal medical license fee. Federal medical registration fee and federal private pratice fee.

I would impose the death penalty.

I would abolish abortion.

I would impose underground High Speed rail

I would restrict the TSA from touching people and use profiling like Israel does.

I'm not sure how you would do all that imposing and abolishing, being only one of the three branches of government.
Being president limits your optio0ns as PLC points out. But I would honor my oath of office and not sign anything that is unconstitutional. And I would go on TV to explain it on every bill. The people can understand if you just explain it.
Being president limits your optio0ns as PLC points out. But I would honor my oath of office and not sign anything that is unconstitutional. And I would go on TV to explain it on every bill. The people can understand if you just explain it.

Yes, they can, so long as they're listening to you and not to your opposition. People can be made to believe that black is white and up is down, as we constantly see.

Now, were I dictator, that would be much easier. I would first decree that there would be no changes as a result of my dictatorship for the period of one year, at which time every law except the Constitution and its amendments would sunset. Then, I'd advertise the positions of senators and representatives. They would have to send in a resume and letters of recommendation, as I described in another thread. I'd have my minions pick a few qualified candidates, then decree that they be interviewed on TV. After the interviews, I'd decree a primary election. After that, I'd decree debates among the candidates, again on TV. I'd decree a final election, in which candidates would be elected based on their debates and interviews, not on how much money they can raise to spend on ads telling a gullible public how bad their opponents are.

Then I'd decree myself a fat pension and retire from the job of dictator, which I didn't want to do in the first place, and let the new senators and representatives come up with new laws to replace the ones that would be about to sunset. I think they would be too busy to cause too much trouble, at least for a while.
Being president limits your optio0ns as PLC points out. But I would honor my oath of office and not sign anything that is unconstitutional. And I would go on TV to explain it on every bill. The people can understand if you just explain it.

I could pass just about any law and find a way to say it was constitutional..
for example I could say all protests are banned....the reason for this is..."to promote domestic tranquility" stated in the Preamble. ( yes of course this runs counter to the First but then I can just leave that up to judges to decide....but fact would be I justified it with the constitution.

Based on the Supreme Courts rulings of the would be banned from making any law preventing abortion....Unless you plan to throw out the courts ruling and just say no, only I as president get to interpret the constitution....leading to it being nothing but paper.

Also you would be on TV alot...for alot of really dumb small bills...
I would see that the constitution were enforced. BIG change, especially from the last two years.
Its called Negoting with Congress and senate. You as the President have the power to approve or Veto a bill. If Congress want something signed on my desk then give me one of those things i mentioned above. If you dont give me what i want,,Out comes a rubber stamp and ill veto it.