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"Steve Biko was the founder of the "Black Consciousness" Movement in South Africa. Biko recognized that the biggest problem was that blacks in their own consciousness regarded themselves as "inferior creatures." The culture we grew up in - the language we used - planted the notion in the minds of whites that they were "superior beings," and in the minds of blacks that they were "inferior creatures." Practically all whites and blacks were subconsciously enculturated in this manner. Biko recognized this phenomenon and advocated that blacks had to free their consciousness from the "inferior-creature" shackles. Biko became world-famous and was visited by people like Bobby Kennedy. Biko was also the greatest threat to white government in South Africa. The police effectively murdered him. The murder was "whitewashed."

A few years before Biko's death I started reading books about freedom, books critical of government, books alleging that inflation was something done by government, books about secret conspiracies that were the real government behind the scene.

One such book was How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World by Harry Browne. It had a profound effect on my consciousness. This and other books - particularly The Discovery of Freedom by Rose Wilder Lane - eventually led me to discover that I was a free and sovereign individual. Steve Biko was also a major inspiration in the development of my consciousness.

Soon after Biko's murder I left South Africa. Since then I have lived as a free sovereign individual in several countries. In Brussels, Belgium I came across The Cinderella Complex: Women's Fear of Independence by CollZette Dowling. The theme is that in their consciousness women tend to regard themselves as "inferior slave creatures." This inferiority is mostly subconscious and culturally imposed. Men regard themselves as "superior master beings."

I also met an American woman, a teacher at the American School in Brussels. As a result of discussing politics and education with her I came up with the term "cattle mentality." Subconsciously this teacher regarded herself as a "cow" owned by the government. The government had a right to milk her, to build fences to confine her, to tell her what she was allowed to eat and what not. Like a cattle herder, the government also had a duty to look after her and feed her. And it was her duty to "educate" the "calves" under her care with the "cattle mentality." Of course, her "calves" had to be forced into "schools" and taught what the government dictated.

In America today, we see on TV and read in the papers daily, of business leaders begging big-daddy government for protection against big-bad-wolf unfair foreign competition, or big-daddy government must do this or that to help us poor helpless little creatures.

There is a common denominator here:

    * Blacks suffer from a black-slave mentality in relation to whites;

    * Women suffer from a female-slave mentality in relation to men;

    * Children suffer from an ignorant-slave mentality in relation to parents and teachers;

    * Humans in general suffer from a helpless-slave mentality in relation to government.

Inferiority mentality may be the subconscious basis behind the demand for "affirmative action" - "I am inferior and therefore I can't be or don't deserve to be hired on my own merits; therefore I want big-daddy government to force someone to hire me. The free sovereign individual wants a job on the basis of voluntary cooperation. Both he or she and the employer seek to gain from the association. Sovereign individuals believe they have something to offer and can find an employer willing to hire them on the basis of their abilities. The free sovereign individual says, "I don't care how much people discriminate against me. I will find a job or start my own business."

Much of feminism also seems to be based on the inferiority mentality - "As a woman I am inferior and therefore I want big-daddy government to force someone to give me "equal treatment."" The free sovereign woman says, "I don't care how much people discriminate against me. I will find a job in a business where women have the same status as men, or start my own business. I will persuade women investors to invest in businesses that discriminate in favor of women."

Consider the possibility that when women or minority members run to big-daddy government for special favors, they become "double slaves" - slaves of their perceived oppressors as well as slaves of government.

Free sovereign individuals do not stoop to beg for special favors. They assert their freedom, sovereignty, and personal power. The free sovereign individual has a reality-based pride - "I am the master of my fate, the captain of my ship of destiny!"

Rest of article here

As you can see, this is not so much about race as it is about consciousness in general.  The genius Biko reveals a far greater truth.  Wake up, people, and take back your personal power.  Stop abdicating it to the corrupt politicians in Washington, DC.
