Sri Lanka: Muslim Majority Enclave like Dearborn MI behind Christian Massacre - WARNING !


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
That’s right PartyGoer’s... take a good hard dive into the data... it’s just a matter of time before the Muslim Fucking Scumbags in Dearborn Michigan pull off a massacre like Sri Lanka in your town !

Don’t act surprised when it happens cause it will.

With 100% accuracy I can predict for you it’s just a matter of time... not IF but When.

Learn the similarities, the facts, the math never lies.
You are occupied by a stealth Enemy combatant who walks amongst you, one that will never EVER Assimilate into American Culture.

Retribution will be yours when the time comes... get ready Patriots, Tick Tock !


cre Sri Lanka Muslim Majority Town Behind Christian Massacre Had Islamic Violence Dating Back to 2004
by Daniel Greenfield
The familiar media narrative when reporting on serial killers is that, "No one suspected a thing". When it comes to Islamic terrorists, it's also usually, "No one suspected a thing". But in reality, no one was paying attention. There was a history of violence. A slow process of building up to a horrific act of […]

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