Sounds like democrats living the liberal life style

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
Sound like something liberal perverts would do to me .
Sound like something liberal perverts would do to me .
They should be arrested and put in jail.

Throw the book at em.
sounds like you obsess about this stuff.
as if it only happens to democrats or gays? duh

child porn is a problem that involved people of all parties. duh
sounds like you obsess about this stuff.
as if it only happens to democrats or gays? duh

child porn is a problem that involved people of all parties. duh
He loves taking cheap shots. It gives him a buzz. He thinks people take him seriously but let him think that. He knows no better
I look at republicans and see "lots" of them too. duh.
i look at you and see one too. lol.
I look at republicans and see "lots" of them too. duh.
i look at you and see one too. lol.
Yes I understand why as I am a normal man who os in a good relationship with a like minded younger woman . We are both successful and well liked in our community and among our peers.
We cant all protect perverts like you do and endorse it politically .
Yes I understand why as I am a normal man who os in a good relationship with a like minded younger woman . We are both successful and well liked in our community and among our peers.
We cant all protect perverts like you do and endorse it politically .

lol, ***** brags about himself. hahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha
"liberals tend to be perverts".

proof, *****? lol

Epstein, Weinstein, Biden, H Biden, Bill Clinton. Biden is the worst.


Weinstein was active on issues such as gun control, poverty, AIDS, juvenile diabetes, and multiple sclerosis research. Until October 2017,[106] he served on the board of the Robin Hood Foundation, a New York City-based non-profit that targets poverty, and co-chaired one of its annual benefits.[107] He was critical of the lack of universal healthcare in the United States.[108]

Weinstein is a longtime supporter of and contributor to the Democratic Party, including the campaigns of President Barack Obama and presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and John Kerry.[109] He supported Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign,[110] and in 2012 he hosted an election fundraiser for Obama at his home in Westport, Connecticut.[111]
He loves taking cheap shots. It gives him a buzz. He thinks people take him seriously but let him think that. He knows no better

So why act like a partisan dick? No normal person would not be appalled by what these men did so leave it at that?

Are you an albino? Your posts sound really white to me.